Our main farm is called Islander. You can see photos here:
We also work with organic producer groups from all regions of Sri Lanka.
Seva means "selfless service" or "spiritual service" in Sanskrit and in the local Sri Lankan languages of Sinhala and Tamil.
Seva Organic is a social enterprise spin-off of Sevalanka Foundation, a 20-year-old Sri Lankan nonprofit organization. The Sevalanka logo is well-known in Sri Lanka and it might be good to include a visual reference to it (e.g. blue and orange accent, use of flower motif) but it is not required. Sevalanka has several spin-off social enterprises. Some, like the microfinance organization Seva Finance, use a similar logo. Others do not.
The goal is to have a logo that looks appropriate on organic product packaging (e.g. rice, traditional coconut oil). It will be used in Sri Lankan markets initially but should be able to make the transition to export markets. It should look appropriate on the shelves of a Whole Foods Market.