Would like to see different colored background, differnt colord lines within the words, please make the T's longer, please round out the e longer, all on #265
#269 through #274, starting with a slight color variation to #265 then going to warmer colors. Each logo has some of the variations you requested so you can compare them. Let me know if this is what you were looking for.
does anything call your attention from the latest entries? let me know any thoughts, it will help me develop it further to find what you are looking for
#295 uses a gradient background, it is nice for certain uses, but sometimes you will have to use a solid color. I mean this is flexible so the logo colors can be adjusted anytime.
#296 and #297 gray and dark blue color scheme. It is quiet and elegant but still provides a good contrast to make it stand out.
When you select a winning design, as part fo the final files a transparent background version can be provided (for both light and dark backgrounds). This can be placed over any background (solid, gradients, textured, pictures) always showing neat and sharp.
what do you think #296 or #297 are missing to make them your final choice? BTW both are the same, #297 is just a reversed version that is also provided with final files.
hi sorry, can i see all the option in black and white, without any color, so that i can decide which logo itself looks best? thanks. hoping to finish this contest by next week.