#2 Please use the colors that we told in the specifications. Use one color for "servi" and other for "polis", dont use lines for the slogan. The Letter a little less serious. Use more tools try in black the tools and put them like fan of hand Behind the name.
#5 Much better. Please use diferents kinds of letters we like to see diferents options in letters. About the tools very good, there are one tool repeated, please dont repeat tools. Change the hair scissors, we dont go to use hair scissors in the company. If you can, try to use less serious tools. The logo is much better now.
We like the first one. Please let the same form with the tools, in the last proposal the tools dont mantain the fan of hand figure. Maintaining the fan of hand figure, please change the hair scissors and the repeated tool. Weliked the brush and drills tha you used in the last proposal.
FIRST #5 We like the first one. Please let the same form with the tools, in the last proposal the tools dont mantain the fan of hand figure. Maintaining the fan of hand figure, please change the hair scissors and the repeated tool. Weliked the brush and drills tha you used in the last proposal.
SECOND Can you send us an alternative with the letter or a similar letter to http://blog.arkix.com/?p=887 (mercado libre)
#16 Jess, The number 16 is the best for us, but we need that you play with colors combinations in it. Like: Servi (white) - Polis (blue) - Tools (black), and other combinations that you want, will be good see a black bottom with a color combination. We think that you are near that we need. Thanks.
FIRST #16 Please use the blue color in "Polis" #16 like the blue color of design 21. We like too much the 21 design and we like too see the #16 with blue "Polis".
SECOND Please show us the design 21 tools, without white edge (border) line.
#21 Jess, we go to use for our company the 21 design (your design), thanks. We need that you go working in the archives that you go to give us, we need the documents that the rules of the page tell that you give us and I go to tell you what we need, is posible that I tell you things that the page (logotournament) tell you too: 1 - we need the logo in hight resolution. 2 - The logo without the tools and without the slogan in hight resolution. 3 - The logo in black and white. 4 - The logo with black background like design #22 5 - The logo with .com, that means servipolis.com 6 - All things that the Logotournament says you should send 7. Send me the files in the formats that says Logotournament and in PNG please
Dear Jaime, the logotournament final files is EPS and JPG the EPS files is the generic vector format that make us (designer) be able to separate for each object inside it. i will help you (guide you) to supply your requested files above.