Thanks, Scott... can you make one where the top portion of the logo and "Sen" are in the same blue color as the UN diabetes symbol?
Can you also try one where the text has a gradient of color from left to right, rather than all of the letters being a solid color? Or perhaps just the middle "s" in Sensulin? Not sure if that will look good or not, but it's worth a try?
Scott: I just heard back from our team, and it seems that I am being overruled.... but the new front-runner is your #42. The general comments thus far about #42 are:
- Could we change the text to match #41? - Can we see some brighter color combinations (including at least one blue)? They told me that my tastes are too depressing. ;) - Could we try a rectangular mark, similar to the dimensions of #41's mark?
I have a call in 15 minutes with the other co-founder, who may have a few ideas as well. Thanks again for all of your hard work, and congrats on winning (twice)!!!
P.S. To clarify, the color combinations can be any two colors. I was merely asking that at least one of the designs keep the light blue from the diabetes circle logo, and perhaps change the dark blue to maybe a light grey. Sorry for the confusion.