I am most likely going to choose #34 as the logo for my new company. I like the story it tells, which falls in line with my company's mission (helping hands, love, and support). Could you send a few submissions with some revisions? I'd like to see the word "care" in orange and perhaps center the word "society" under the other words. Could you also play around with the font? I'm interested to see if another font may be attractive. Thanks for all your submissions- you have great ideas and creativity!
Hi Eric, I've been away from the computer, but I'm starting with the revisions you requested and will send them asap. As for the font-do you tend towards something more traditional(corporate) or something friendlier?
Thank you for the revisions! My main interest with the font is that it is easy for an older person to read. The fonts you sent are all clear and are probably more corporate-like. They will definately work but do you have any nice informal, friendly fonts that you could recommend?
Thank you for the revisions! My main interest with the font is that it is easy for an older person to read. The fonts you sent are all clear and are probably more corporate-like. They will definately work but do you have any nice informal, friendly fonts that you could recommend?