Hello! I chose to incorporate 2 pieces (2 halfs of an S, one on top of the other) because I wanted to suggest friction (abrasion), the need of glueing (adhesive) or the result of splintering. I think the overall look is dynamic and, because I combined black with red, it has an industrial and masculine look. Thank you for reviewing my entry. Regards.
Hello. I would like to ask you the following: - to simplify the logo, in the sense that you erase the little black signs in the middle, just below and above the line of the S - to use a red colour close to the Coca-Cola Red - to present also the back&white logo which has enough contrast (b&w logo will be highly used) - to present also the logo for dark backgrounds ("the negative" so to say :-)
Here`s the version for dark background (red). Please let me know if you need any other colour combos (both for background and graphics). Thanks and regards.