Seaside ChiropracticLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Seaside Chiropractic

Seaside Chiropractic has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 196 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.


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By the way, the logo has to be legible in small sizes, so scripty fine fonts should not be used since they break down and you can't see the fine details.
14 years ago
This is the best one yet, but not really what I want. After seeing these I am not sure about the sand and sea colors. A strong dark blue may work well instead? I am not really sure. We are going to end up using this in a very small format on the web, so I want it crisp and clear even when in a 3/4 inch high version. I would like it to have the layout size of this logo and where it says,, landing page optimization specialists here. or seen here without background.
14 years ago
Also, feel free to try to incorporate a wave, and or a spine into the logo as well.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thank you for being so accurate and for working with me. Being critical is something good, as long as it is backed-up with a reason, so you are being a, what we call here, " A good contest holder. Only if you leave feedback and help us see what you like and dislike is the way to achieve the best results and have you complete the contest with satisfacton.

I did incorporate a part of the spine, the center white element was supposed to be it, but I obviously made it too abstract and simplified. I have made another logos for chiropractic companies, and the main problem I encountered was, that the spine is difficult to incorporate in a logo, because it looses its form when downsized.

I will try some waves, and stronger colors.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The frame, to represent spine.

(This comment references Entry #11)
14 years ago
I like the color direction a lot more, but still would like to see more options with two colors. Not a fan of the palm trees, although a it might be interesting to see a liltle building in front of the wave?? Might be too cutesy though.

The broken border, looking like a spine is also interesting. The way you put Seaside Chiropractic to the right of the logo icon is a good idea. That will look good on the site for layout.

14 years ago
Good evening! I am an assistant to the contest holder and co judge of the competition. I met dk as a client at Seaside Chiropractic and am voicing my opinion as both a client and assistant.

For entries #8 and #7, I think that the text is overwhelmed by the logo, making it somewhat less noticeable upon first glance. I know that when I enter a landing page, the first thing I want to know is where in the world my click has taken me. I feel that establishing comfort from the instant a prospective client clicks to the page is extremely important in establishing credibility immediately.

I love the color, font, size and placement of the text on entry #11. I feel that it lets the newcomer to the page know exactly where they are right away. I also like the border for the logo. It provides a pleasing alternative to the smoothness of the rest of the graphic without having so much contrast as to be out of place. The dark blue is a great color, very appropriate for the peace and relaxing to the eye.
I don't like the palm trees in #11, as they seem to say 'day spa' more than medical office. I would also like to see examples of a two color logo, perhaps greens? And I also prefer one wave to two.

So I would love to see the text style and placement of #11 in conjunction with a variation on its logo, without the palm trees and with another color.
Thanks for your time
~Lauren, assistant to dk, contest co-judge.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, you are both great! Thank you very much for leaving feedback. I completly understand the reasons behind your requests. I hope that you will like the next designs even more.

Keep the feedback coming! :)
14 years ago
Hi, Lauren here! Thanks so much for all the new variations! The text placement on all of them is wonderful, and I'm really enjoying all the new colors.
I love your incorporation of the yellow on #27, it adds a whole new dimension to the design. However I think that there is just too much yellow on #28.
I also like the placement of the green in #24. Although I suggested it, I don't think I'm a fan of the green 'chiropractic' in entries #26, #26 and #25.
I would really like to see #27 with both words in blue.
Also, I was wondering if you have any ideas for a completely different style other than the variations you've presented here. As it is still relatively early on in the contest, I'd love to see any new designs you had in mind, whether they featured radically different colors, vastly different styles and graphics, etc.
Thanks so much again!
14 years ago
On entry #8 I like the strong colors, the solid border, and the fade around the border. I don't like the two waves, the single wave design is best. Could you make the single wave smoother? I am not partial to the choppy look of the wave. I've also decided that I am not a fan of the spine-like border.
The shape of #23 is what I'm looking for in regards to text and graphic placement, but the tag line on the bottom is too small to be read for the size that the logo will be used. If you're going to include it, could I see a stronger font?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, Lauren! :)

Thank YOU for a detailed feedback once again, I appreciate the time you spend on it.

I will try all the things you asked, and I really have another ideas which I was about to present to you anyways. I hope you like them too. I will upload them later on, since it is a bit late here. :)

14 years ago
Oooo... I like these new ones.

Can you do something that is the size and shape of the button on #8, the layout of #51, a square button, then make one with the colors of 8, one with the colors of 56, and one with the colors of 57 so I can see that?
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, you reaction puts a smile on my face! :) It is very pleasing when someone like whay you do for him!

I will do all the versions you asked for in a flash :)
14 years ago
Brittany who works with us likes #56, but instead of using the wave on #56, she would like to see the wave with the foam that is on #7, but still keeping the round shape.
14 years ago
Cait who works with us, would like to see numbers 23 and 46, but without the dotted outline, and instead the solid outline of #8.
14 years ago
Can we also see #57, but with the foamy wave of #7, both as a round button and as a square button.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, Brittany's and Cait's requests are done, aswell as the requests from your last feedback. But could you please re-phrase, or be more specific about :

"Can you do something that is the size and shape of the button on #8, the layout of #51, a square button, then make one with the colors of 8, one with the colors of 56, and one with the colors of 57 so I can see that? "

I can't quite understand you :)

Thank you!
14 years ago
We meant to use the button on #8, but have the writing to the right of it. You did it on #64 :)
14 years ago
These are all fantastic!

Here are some of the other options I would like to see.

First a problem, the tag line, High Quality Chiropractic Care in La Jolla.
It ends up looking too small, and not easily readable.

Using simple dark fonts may be one solution?

Perhaps splitting it into two lines might work?

'Also the fact that chiropractic is already in the main title, will it still work if we leave it out of the tag line?

I'd like to see other color variations on the ones we have above, even if they are TOTALLY DIFFERENT. I would also like to see other shapes to the buttons, other fonts, (simple fonts), other border designs.

Thanks so much!

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, I am just logging-in. I am starting on the requested versions :)
14 years ago
#56 still seems to be the best direction.

Can you take that one and make me a bunch of variations exploring these things.

Wave shape.

One or two waves.

The white line around the wave varying in thickness as it surrounds the wave.

Using the white line to make the surface a little rough like you did in 64.

Altering the color of blue a little in different directions.

Try makeing the fade from orange to yellow, to go to an even lighter, softer yellow. If we do that it will allow us to match that yellow elsewhere on the page.

On the border around the button try having it fade from blue to black. I am still not happy with the tag line. Maybe try leaving the word chiropractic in the tag line, but making the tag line two lines?

Just keep throwing up lots and lots of samples like you are. I really appreciate it!
14 years ago
Hello, Lauren here again!
I would like to start out by saying that I am very impressed as to the sheer amount of variations that you can submit each day.

I really like the text style on #78, it looks crisp and smooth, reflecting the wave and the circle shape of the graphic. I'm not sure that I like the tagline italicized, and I think the tageline example in #69 is the best one so far.
The new border effects in #84 and #81 are interesting, though I prefer the thinner border found in #81. I also like the underlined 'Chiropractic' present in both of these examples.
Could I see a few examples of the text from #78, the tagline from #69, the underline from #84 and the button style of #84?

The purple colors in #71 and #70 are not what we're looking for, but I appreciate the effort to try new and interesting colors!
14 years ago
These are coming along great.

What I would like to see next is to take #78 and move the word Chiropractic up and to the right of the word Seaside.

Then put High Quality Chiropractic Care in La Jolla below the words Seaside Chiropractic. This should allow the words High Quality Chiropractic Care In La Jolla to be bigger.

I am leaving the other three up there because I like the colors and the wave styles.

Once I see the layout, we can go on to the colors.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, I am sorry for the delay, I had to take a short break :) I will be starting on the new requests very soon. The reason I am so eager, is because I like your contest and most importantly - the chiropractic profession. If you care about that much for your logo, then you care about how you do your job also! I seriosly considering visiting your place one day :)
14 years ago

Yes, we care that much. :)

I am going to call the layout of entry #100 the long layout. I am going to call the ones that are left above by color, the orange, green and blue color.

I am going to call the button shapes above square and round.

Make all of the above have the 3D look like version 100 with the reflection in it.

Can you now make me:
Round button, orange and long layout (already done as #100)
Square button, orange and long layout.
Round button, blue and long layout.
Square button, blue and long layout.
Round button green and long layout.
Square button green and long layout.

Then in addition to the above, can you also make the 6 above, each with two waves in them instead of one.

Thank you so much.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, no problem. I am starting on those right away :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, I am looking forward to you comments :)
14 years ago
Hi, I need some advice here. :)

Because of the way this site is set up, I can see that it only shows things at one size.

When you have made the new long layout ones, from 113 to 122 the button got smaller than say 64.

Am I correct that the logos are all in AI where you are working on them? and that they will be able to easily be enlarged from their current size to what I need. How is this handled? I can see how it will actually require me to see them in A/I after the contest is over, and go back and forth with you to adjust them just right?

Or are you able to send jpegs during the contest before it is done, at actual size?

I would like to see the more complex wave surface textures of #64 and #65, but I can also see how if you put them on the small buttons like 100, 122 or 121, then we won't be able to see them properly since they are so small.

How do we handle this? :)

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, well the size of the logos that I can upload at that point of the contest is strictly 350x280px. That is a rule. I am working in AI, so all the files are in AI and will be send to you in all the formats /AI, EPS, JPG, PNG/ that are needed for the rest of the logo use, no matter for what purpouses. I do this with all my clients, and I suppose any other designer on Logo Tournament would do it also.

I don't know if sending files to you outside LT is appropriate, since I may be violating some rules. A way for you to see larger version of the logo is if you tell me which one and I can upload an enlarged view of the part of the logo you wish to see. For example, I can upload only the button for you to review. Anyways, when I send the final files, as they are vector format, they can be resized to an almost infinete sizes!

I will upload more complex surface textures, but my personal advice is to steer clear of more complex detailes, as in a logo this would not be visible in small prints or uses in the web, and when enlarged may confuse the observer. However, this is only an advise, If you insist I will present to you some more versions of the waves.
14 years ago
Great! Can you load up some buttons that are 63 pixels high, and that incorporate the buttons of 100, 123 and 121, but have different variations on the white line similar to 64 and 65, plus feel free to give me other options as well. Also, in the end, I am guessing it will be of value for me to have the three different color options you have up there, the three that we like. Any ideas following the T.O.S. of logo tournament, about how we can do that?

I have contacted them and am awaiting a reply.

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, I will upload the files as soon as I get back home. I am contacting you through my mobile now, so I can't upload the files.

I can't state, that I would send you the additional files, since this would be backdoor dealing, would be accepted as trying to swing the balance in my position, which will lead to breaking the rules here at Logo Tournament. I will also contact the members of the staff, so I am aware of what I can say to you on that matter.

I hope you can wait a little for the versions you requested!

14 years ago
Cool! My landing page optimization guy has recommended that I take version 100, and make the tagline letters 25% taller, while leaving the width and everything else the same. Simply stretching them taller.

I love the work, and I love the effort you are putting into the details!

I can see why the other competitors have given up. :)

14 years ago
I also know they only do logo design here.

I am also going to need some help with a photoshop version of this landing page.

I would love to see a webpage tournament as well! :)

If you are interested in helping with that, I'd love to speak with you.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
63px of #100 version :)

(This comment references Entry #140)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
20% change, as requested.

(This comment references Entry #147)
14 years ago
Can you make 144, 145 and 146 with the white part that outlines the wave, looking like #64.

Can you also make #100 with the line, High Quality Chiropractic Care in La Jolla 20% higher,
but leave the lettering Seaside Chiropractic, the same height it is now.
14 years ago
I wrote an incorrect comment here about the border, and just removed it. :)
14 years ago
I would like to see #144 with where it currently has a light blue border around the wave, with a more natural border, like the white one in #64. You can show me some variations, in color ranging from light blue as in #144 to white as in #64, and also in texture and style.

The border in #144 just looks too simple for me.

Try making a few with the same border as #144, but also experiment a little with other options in the border around the wave.
14 years ago
Also, to repeat, I would like to see #100 with the words Seaside Chiropractic the same, but with the words "High Quality Chiropractic Care in La Jolla" 25% taller, but with the same width.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Is the white border OK here?

(This comment references Entry #166)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
The words Seaside Chiropractic are the same, but the slogan underneath them is 25% taller, but the same hight :) I hope that I finally got it :)

(This comment references Entry #168)
14 years ago
Hi there!
Can we see #100 with the tagline, 'High Quality Chiropractic Care in La Jolla' 25% taller, and with the foamy wave style of 64? Could you also do one version with two waves and one with one?
14 years ago
Can you show me close ups of the buttons of 183 and 182?

This is very, very nice work. I love it!

14 years ago
Good! I think we are getting closer!

Can you take #185 and #186 and make this change to them.

The outline on the wave on them is in white.

On #168 the outline on the wave is a light blue.

Can you make the #185 and #186 again, but change the white outline to the light blue on #168?

14 years ago
Can you make 187 and 188 again, taking the white of the wave, which is now blue, and make that is a little bit darker? Also try making me another one very similar to the above, but with a little darker blue and a little lighter blue in the outline of the wave.
14 years ago
Make me an exact copy of 188, but make the foam (light blue) on the big wave a bit thinner, but with the same type of style and color.

Thank you so much for your great work on this!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
- button shape like in #118
- the height change is 12.5% /half the way to 25%/
- I Used the EXACT wave outline of #64
- The outline of the wave is in white, not in light blue
- The reflection is present, so it is 3D
- Orange background - check!
- All other letterings are the same! :)

(This comment references Entry #195)
14 years ago
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