Hi a.design - thanks for your submission. I like the thick/thin contrast of font sizes for 'seagull systems', but graphic element looks too primitive. from your portfolio my favourite is Spidvid - however this might be a bit playful for a software dev logo - colours, boldness are great tho.
it's hard to say with the black background, did you see the link to the template in the spec? light bgnd. what i liked in spidvid was the colourfulness. peach on black i don't think comes across as very strong.
I don't think the graphic mark is strong enough. if anything - the reflection would have to be on the graphic mark, or seagull systems, doesn't make sense to me for it to be on the strapline. other stuff in your portfolio is much more colourful?
these latest ones are quite interesting, but i think i'd prefer something simpler. these work well for a 'nuclear fusion' analogy, or planetary stuff, but that doesn't really lend itself to software dev.
also the shine on the letters makes them less readable. i think some of the other designers' entries have more friendly looking fonts.
hehe :-) well no ALLCAPS please. and your latest graphic marks are quite low contrast, not punchy. making strapline same length as 'seagull systems' looks good tho.