Color Preferences
Please find Rotary logos online that reflect the two primary colors of the Rotary logo, dark blue and gold. This logo does not have to use these colors, however, the logo should be complimentary to these colors.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Please see attached files, two of which are logos for the last two events in Tucson and Salt Lake City. This logo needs to represent this event in San Diego. Another attachment is a drawing of the resort where the event will take place, and it would be great if this can be incorporated into the logo in some sense.
The logo must:
+ Be icon-ish so that it can be used in a number of applications including website, signage, video productions, etc.
+ Look good in small (2") format as well as large (20") format.
+ There may be uses where we have to convert the logo to one color vector, so a design that keeps this in mind will be helpful.