Looking really good! Thanks!! Really like the Petite Pancakes saying. Any way to to make the S #9 on the front and back of scrumptious a bit more S like. It`s really hard to read for those that don`t know what the word is suppose to be. Love the colours in #7 and #6. They feel delicious!
Hi, Really great! Just wondering could it be possible to keep #10 the way it is except take out the pancake S and somehow incorporated the colourful berry pancakes from #6? The colours of the logo look good for food colours and the berries add a great burst of colour.
I agree. Just wanted to make sure you didn't want just the strawberry or blueberries. If you want any more revisions to fonts/color/pancake toppings, etc...just let me know.
Love #17!!! The only thing that we might like to see would be the middle mini pancake with the chocolate swirl raised a tiny bit so it would make the three pancakes look like they are following the curve of the brown oval. What do you think?
I know you don't like #19 as well as some of the others I uploaded, but I realized that I had a typo in that one, so withdrew the offender and re-uploaded it. Sorry about that.
Hi, No problem. Thanks for catching the blooper. Just to update you, we like #17 and #18 the most right now. Because they are the most professionally done, easy to read and convey the feeling of yummy food. Nothing really to tweak and that's why we are silent in the comment section. :) Chrystyna
This might not be your style, but if possible here is what we were hoping to see.
WHY? Our trailer is going to be painted with a theme that resembles a Mad Tea Party. More along the style of Tim Burton less along the style of Disney. We love the logo but it doesn’t fit the theme.
WHAT WE LOVE. The way it looks like an actual logo. All components work together. The colours. Brown and yellow with the slashes for berries. Your logo could make a great sticker, be read easily on a business card, be a great sign.
WHAT WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE. The font changed to something a bit more “fun”. There are 4 attachments at the very end of our brief giving examples of fonts we like. Some of the newer submissions are trying the fonts our and they are looking good.
ILLUSTRATIONS. Also with the new submissions, the Hat appeared. If instead of the 3 pancakes if you feel like adding in any more components of a Crazy Tea Party (hat, cool tea cups, lanterns) please feel free to try it out.
Sorry if I am writing or asking for a lot. Just want to make sure that you feel that this competition is fair since you have put in so much energy into it and you have a lot of talent for this stuff.
My fav font is the one from #60, it looks really neat and easiest to read.
I just wonder if now it looks a bit too busy. Would it be possible to take out the rabbit out of number #60. I like the small clock (because we get the food ready quick for people on the go). I also like how the clock is on the chain that goes around the oval.
Any way to shrink the pancakes a bit so the word stands out a bit more?
Good morning. Started thinking that the chocolate swirl in the center pancake might look good as a chocolate swirl "S." So, I thought I'd show it to you that way to see what you thought.
Here's a revised #84, but with the normal swirl (like in the #1 ranked design). Just thought I'd upload that in case you'd like to see it with the regular swirl.
There has been very good feedback about your submission #83! !
A few things were pointed out that I would like to change before committing.
1. Could there be a bigger gap between the ‘R’ and ‘u’. At the moment one leg of the ‘R’ runs into the leg of the ‘u’ making it look like a ‘y’ at first glance.
2. Instead of ‘petite pancakes’ could we put our website on, eatScrumptious.ca (all lower case except for the first ‘S’).
3. We would like to tone down the headpiece. We would prefer the logo to work just with the word and the website. Then 3 little (even smaller than now) pancakes centered above the brown oval, but not touching the rest of the logo. Not sure if the pancakes will look better floating on their own or have the little pink dots around them. (please let me know if this made sense, I might be confusing you)
4. No clock please. Too many people couldn’t tell what it was.
5. There were really strong reactions about the black and white logo. I didn’t realize this, sorry, but you were right, we will have to go with a grey scale instead.
We will be using our logo for the following: Website T-shirts Sign Stickers Menu Posters Business Cards Side of our trailer
For this we are hoping the get the following files: EPS (colour, grey scale, high res) JPG (colour, grey scale, high res) PNG (colour, grey scale, high res)
Can you provide these? Would those work for our needs? I am not sure what all these ending do to be honest.
Great! I will make those revisions and upload new versions. Then, once those are approved, I'll get you the EPS (which is sometimes called a vector file and is used for primarily for printing purposes), JPGs (mostly used on the web/email/Word/PowerPoint) and PNG files (PNGs are web type images that also have a transparent background usually and can be placed over other graphics).
I'll also get you the font I used in case you want to use it in other applications.
One thing...can you forward your email to me through a LT private message? Once you approve the files, I won't be able to upload any files other than a JPG and an EPS file. All other files will have to be sent to you through email.
On #129 the pancakes follow the curve of the oval. In #128 they are on a straight line and all line up at the top of each pancake. It's a very subtle difference. I can email larger versions of each so you can really inspect them closer if you want.