Screen Sharing with (artist)Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Screen Sharing with (artist)
Screen Sharing with (artist) has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 146 designs
from 18 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
"On Your Playlist. In Our Chatroom." OR "On Cam. Off Mute."
What We Do
Screen Sharing is a 10-minute interview series with young musicians, focusing on their life lived online. It highlights a new class of creatives who’ve sidestepped music’s traditional barriers to distribution - artists who’ve carved out a fan base predominantly through streaming and online engagement. If the internet is typically written in ink, we want to talk to the people who make it sing.
Target Audience: Music fans aged 16-35
Target Audience: Music fans aged 16-35
Color Preferences
Black and white. Black and yellow. Black and a very light blue. But seriously play around with any colors you think might work!
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Because the show is about our lives on the internet, my hope is for a more modern style that feels a bit internetty. All the interviews will be over facetime/video chat, so perhaps a visual that signifies the virtual nature of it all. Also it'd be good to have some reference to music if it can be subtle (a music note or something of the sort).