Hey Dave... we love your designs. Only one observation that has come up to the negative. The maroon is a bit too light. Can you darken the maroon to be more like #24.
Hi - thank you for the ranking and the feedback. I darkened up the maroon on these three (#26, #27, & #28). Dark red or maroon is always a tricky color. It can go quickly into brown or fall the other way into purple if you're not careful. The best way to avoid that is to find a good PMS color and stick with it. That is something the winning designer needs to provide for you. I'm not sure if you are familiar with PMS colors. If not, take a look at "Pantone" in Wikipedia and you'll know more ;-)
Thanks again - and let me know if you need any more changes. Dave
We love your work and wanted to see if you'd be interested in working together with us on t-shirt design projects? We have a ton of designs we need each day and we would love to partner. Can you please email us at justincener@gmail.com for more detail.