FYI : I want to bring to your notice that the currently ranked entry 1st ranked is a rip of my entry . Combining two of earlier entries . So its my sincere request to be fair as we spend hours designing .
I will absolutely be fair and thank you for letting me know as I did not notice! Is it possible to do something similar with the name below the SBIA? I do like what the other person did
I had prefered a logo that WAS my first ranked logo until the logo court had it removed. Since you were the one that raised the issue I request that you recreate it the way the logo was. The SBIA separated by 4 boxes which was on top of the wording.
#205, Font needs to be large in the SBIA, color should be a darker blue with a rounded transition, outside box surrounding the SBIA should be in a grey/charcoal color along with the lettering below the box
The entry which you faved rank 1 earlier was a combination of my entry #1 and #6 . So was bit worried and now everything is fine . You can go with the design :) As in LT we respect each other work so we have the LC where other designers decide between a original and copied concept.
#213 - this is the one i will be choosing, is it possible to get one last revision? Can "Strategic Benefit & Insurance" be a larger font above the "Advisors LLC"?
I just received the final files, I could only open 1, is that normal? Also the Wording should be the same color as the box surrounding SBIA - medium grey
Okay i will provide the other one color version . The other one is the source file ( .EPS ) you can only access using a vector program like Illustrator or Corel Draw .