Entry #61- Can you spell it "ORTHODONTICS" . Then, can you change the color of the font of "ORTHODONTICS" as well as "&" to the same gold color you used for "SAYRE" and "KARVANDI"? Then, can you make the mountains a little larger and more of a royal blue color. Also, reduce the river size a little bit. Thanks
Hi thanks for your feedback. Here's the version with the correct spelling of Orthodontics in gold color plus the "&". Larger mountains & smaller river.
#62 #63 : vertical version #64 : pictorial mark with frame outlined.
Entry #62- If we choose this entry to win the contest in 2 hours, can we have the logo in a black background as well as in a white background? Can I see what a white background looks like asap? Also, could we have the logos in .jpg (JPEG) as well as EPS format? Thanks
Hi.. if you end up buying my logo.. logo in white & back background is definitely provided plus the EPS & Jpeg format. Logo on white background will be made soon. Thanks!