SayNoMore! PromotionsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / SayNoMore! Promotions

SayNoMore! Promotions has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 162 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.






















































Prefers others.


LOVE these (#27, #29, #30, #28) - exactly the kind of look we are going for!
What would it look like if the big exclamation point actually connected to the top of the circle so that the tiny bit of purple was not in there? Not sure if we will like it or not, Jess in our office just asked. would this translate to one-color?
What we REALLY love about it too is its versatility...we can pull out the "SayNoMore! Promotions" and just have that cute circle with the exclamation point as an iconic brand/avatar. Also, if we embroider (where text needs to be at least 1/4" tall") we could just pull out the "promotions". And...we could use the "SayNoMore! Promotions" without the icon and circle behind for pens and other long things.
Love, love, LOVE!!! Just can decide if we prefer the straight up and down "SayNoMore!" or the tilted. I am leaning toward the tilted.
GREAT JOB!!! :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow! I'm glad to hear that I hit on the spot. I''ll try Jess' suggestion and have you guys see it.

Regarding one color, I'll have to manipulate it and probably add a few white lines. However, you know that different shades of one PMS color is considered as monotones (one color).

I'll pull out the logo verbiage from the circle for you to see what it would look like for pens and other media.

In my opinion, I like the tilted verbiage because I think it has the same feel as the "no" icon.

Thank you for your input.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#31 is Jess' idea.

More to come.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#32 is just an example of the verbiage just by itself against a different background other than white media. Makes sense?
11 years ago
I think I like #31 with the exclamation point connected. And I like the independent verbiage though what about taking away the outline around "promotions" and just having the text be green? I think the outline makes it a bit "smooshed" looking?
Also on #31, what would it look like to have the "Promotions" removed from below the "SayNoMore!") and wrap it inside the circle, to the right of the exclamation point? Hope that makes sense.
11 years ago
P.S. On #31 could you also increase the size of "promotions" a bit when you take the outline off, so that it reaches from the beginning of "More" to the right side of the exclamation? That could be fun to have people see "More Promotions" visually.
Also, because of the potential to embroider this logo on things, removing the outline on "promotions" and increasing the font size we could maybe get that text up to 1/4" tall, which is minimum size for embroidery.
If I say anything that doesn't make sense, just let me know.
We are all in LOVE with this logo!!! You are awesome!!! You "get" us!!! :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay..... coming up. :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
In #34, I did something different with your requested idea. When I used just plain green on "Promotion" it bleed into the exclaimation-point and the green circle. Therefore I couldn't read "Promotions." So, I thinned down the green outline and added a white stroke/outline between the green outline and the blue/purple font (Promotions). I think it looks crisp and more readable. What do you think?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#35 is in one color of PMS 2685C
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#36 is in one color of PMS 369C
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you see the problem in #37 ???
11 years ago
Definitely see the problem with #37.
What about no fill in #35 and #36 exclamation points?
Also, for any of these we would definitely need to be able to have one-color (spot color, no shading, halftones or gradients) versions - is that possible with these?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok that might work. I'll work on #35 and #36 ASAP... Right now I'm going to eat dinner. What state do you live? CA? I'm in FL.
11 years ago
Awesome. I am in Colorado. I actually am buried with a huge project for our largest client now so may not be able to communicate much yet tonight as It is already going to be a late one. Love your work though, and am excited to see what you come up with. Thanks so much for all of the effort!
Are you guys having a hurricane in Florida? We are having a snow storm here. :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
So far, we can't tell if we going to get hurricane. :-)

Anyway,, I try something different... I used a rounded square in #51. If you like it better, good, If you don't, I'll understand. Please let me know. In #52 & #53 are solid colors... One solid PMS color and no tint.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Logo Designer
In #55, it's for something like a fax machine.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#57 has a thinner green outline around "Promotions"
11 years ago
Hi! Thanks for all of the cool changes. Not digging the rectangle (#51) as much, so let's leave that one alone.

The one color versions (#53 and #55) look great. LOVE the versatility of the logo! How we can have the "full" circle logo, but also have the text only one of #58. You are doing GREAT. LOVE!!!

Do you want to try anything with the SNMP or SNM Promotions?

Don't have much time today as I am nuts with this huge project. Thank you, THANK YOU for all of the great work!!!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I hope I'm not bugging you, but I don't quite understand your question re: "How we can have the "full" circle logo, but also have the text only one of #58."

I have an idea for SNM Promotions. More designs to come.

Thank you so much for your compliments!

11 years ago
Logo Designer
In #68, I added a white outline around the green "Promotions" so that it can be readable against the green exclamation point and green rim won't block the readability.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Will #81 work for all media including embroidery????

Thank you,
11 years ago
#105 and #104 are super cute too! Sorry I've been out of touch wanted to respond to your "full logo" question. So I think that it's cool to have a logo like my fave ( all of its different color versions...trying to figure out the best one) that is what I would call our "full" or "true" logo, and from it, we would be able to use different elements for different applications and looks. Such as:
The text only version (#58) that would work well on things like pens. We would use it like shown, but also a one-color version for laser etching or pad printing which only allows for one color.
The 2-color versions (#36, #35, #522, #53, #55) could be used for different looks as well
The Icon and Text logo (#62) is also great for a different look.
All of the above "go together" I think and could all be part of our style guide for the new logo.

I do think #105 is super cute's pretty close to our existing logo and the "NO" is so prominent, I think it is kind of negative subliminal messaging potentially.

I really love your work so much. I have asked my friends and colleagues for input on the logos and will probably not make a final decision until our staff meeting on Tuesday. Thank you again for ALL of your amazing work!!! Hope you are safe over there in hurricane land. Turning in for the night here. :-)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Well, I’ll be happy to give you different versions for each media once the contest ends if/when you pick one of my designs.

The hurricane is past us. :-)

Good night.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#117 is like #31, but the word “Promotions“ is bigger.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Are there any modifications that you want me to do with your logo?

Thank you,
11 years ago
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