saphireLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / saphire saphire has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 197 designs from 34 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by kamidi Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #12 Withdrawn New #143 Withdrawn New #81 Withdrawn New #78 Withdrawn New #9 Withdrawn New #7 Withdrawn Prefers others. #10 Withdrawn Prefers others. #8 Withdrawn Prefers others. #6 Discussion saphire Client ur rank 11 got great font we like it most of ur designs, thats how we like it very much! could u try to add a line/swing out of the font somehow? and it supposed to be topic to cigarettes, vapour and or smoke!example for topic relevant swing/line u find here: or thx a lot so far! 13 years ago saphire Client hi, we still need the topic relevant symbol or line/movement in the final result! topic relevant supposed to be cigarettes, smoke and or vape. best would be to use just one slim line which forms a topic relevant symbol like or here or here u try something like that pls? thx in advance for ur effort! 13 years ago kamidi Logo Designer Updates at Entry #78 and Entry #81many thanks... 13 years ago saphire Client hi, we still need the topic relevant symbol or line/movement in the final result! topic relevant supposed to be cigarettes, smoke and or vape. best would be to use just one slim line which forms a topic relevant symbol like or here or here u try something like that pls? thx in advance for ur effort! 13 years ago