SCARI LiteLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / SCARI Lite
SCARI Lite has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 68 designs
from 11 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Stream crossing inventory
What We Do
Professional environmental consulting for Forestry and Energy sectors in northern Canada.
Color Preferences
please see our existing Company Logo and two mobile app logos. The company logo is dark blue on lighter blue trees and words. The R Cubed logo is more dark blue on light blue for new trees being established - SCARI logo is Red and Green and blues -
This new logo 'SCARI Lite' is a smaller or lighter version of the existing SCARI logo. Please see the existing logo and use those colors as a baseline
This new logo 'SCARI Lite' is a smaller or lighter version of the existing SCARI logo. Please see the existing logo and use those colors as a baseline
Our Ideas & Additional Information
logo should represent stream crossings being repaired so fish can pass
it can represent a stream crossing being measured or assessed - ie: culvert and ruler or culvert and mobile app
it can represent a stream crossing being measured or assessed - ie: culvert and ruler or culvert and mobile app