#42 and #43, total silhouette with back lit effect. These seems fussy just because of size limit but these are crispy clean. Your comments are always welcome.
#30 -- I like the clean look, but I think the bottom of “Sanctuary” in this font gets too lost/hidden in the horizontal line. A different font and maybe a different color would work better.
Looks like you played with variations of the horizontal line more than the font and color. I like the thicker horizontal line. Can the S be moved up so that it sits just on top of the line? Or try another sans serif font in which the crossbar of the A isn't so low since that's what's mostly getting lost.
Here is another update. The "A" shouldn't bother you now. Please let me know what your thoughts are. just FYI, I have tried to see many different font types, and I have chosen what seems the best. I didn't post the rest becasue I thought it would confuse you. Please let me know if you want to see other font type as well. Some entries you have marked not interested can actually be seen very clear (black font with black background) and I thought those had more weight (I am not quite sure if you understand what I am trying to express). If you want to see them enlarged, just let me know I will post a link URL to see them big enough.
Yes, that's better. The font you chose probably is the best.
As for the black on black, it's nice, and would be an option if we go with this logo, but although yours is #1 right now we're still looking for other ideas rather than just other color options. We'd like to see more concepts with more color and maybe more complexity. The nice thing about yours is that it IS adaptable to different color schemes. Thanks for your work!
Here I gave more depth to the letters and horizonal figure with glare and drop shadow. What type of musical is this? What I can guess is just from the title. I thought it rather have feel of holy and calm.. Please let me know what would you prefer to see from the logo. And please be aware for the cliparts, I've seen people using clipart for the logos.
Yeah, I've seen some clipart, too. Can you send me a PM w/ the entries you think have clipart so I don't miss any?
It is a rock musical. I put a link in the brief and in the general comments to audio clips of some of the music. Go ahead and listen to several of them to get a feel of the music -- there's a variety. Especially listen to "Sanctuary", "Holy God Almighty" and "Reap What You Sow" There's more than 20 songs in the full production.
We want the logo to have a feeling of power, hope and encouragement. Read thru the notes in the brief and the general comments again. I've added to it since we began the contest. I do like your latest version better. Thanks!!!
I'll need to check w/ the major decision maker on your latest entries. If you have any ideas for a different concept, we're still open to new ideas. Thanks!
Sorry, I meant #32 on the black background. The text needs to be moved up, though, like we did with the white background. We really like the black background as well as the white background with your design and would probably use both depending on the circumstance. We even like the black on black.
#17 & #18 -- Oh yeah, I like it better with the golden glow. I like the text both ways -- in white and the silver metallic look. You're still ranking up there as #1, but I'll only rank one of the same design since they're only color changes. We needed to be happy with it on both white and black backgrounds before making a decision.