We like number #199. Can you Make the B and the T capitalized and also make it one word? We would also like to see the tagline with some color, maybe an orange that goes well with the blue.
Thank you for the feedback! I am sorry because of my delayed reply, but due the time difference, I couldn't reply earlier. Here is my new variation with requested changes #215 I will submit shortly couple of new color variations. Thanks for understanding and patience, Bordo
Can you give us a look at what the font will look like when it is separated from the blue dot. For certain realty signs we will need to have the text on its own with maybe the blue dot to the left. I hope that makes sense.
Thank you! How about this one #239 ? I have combined blue dot with the small leaf that I used in previous design. Let me know if there is any other change that you would like to see. Thanks, Bordo
Now you can check my last submissions #245 #246 #247 #248 #249 Font that I used is Montserrat font and you can find it among Google fonts. If you have any other question, or if you are interested to see any other change, or variation, just post your comment here, and I will respond as soon as possible. Thanks, Bordo
We consulted our agents and they like design #242, but they think that it doesn't quite look like a leaf and could be confused as a hoof or an arrow. Can you think of a way to make it more like a leaf that would leave less confusion? Thank you for being patient with us, we appreciate your timely responses.
No problem, I understand. Is there any shape of the leaf that you like from the entries that I have submitted so far or would you like to see new leaf? Thanks, Bordo
Here is a logo that I like that has a leaf with a circle. For whatever reason it looks more leaf like, something a little closer to this would be perfect. http://logofury.com/logo/two-tree.html