As you can see I ranked the entry 20th number 1. I like the two tabs you have used. But the color seems a bit dark. can you show three four more color variations. if we can make it more crisp and clear. it would be great. try orange, and lighter blue, yellow and the green you used in the entry number 19
As you can see some colors are shown some artifact, maybe it's caused by compression on this website, the original graphic are far more crisp. Here's the color variations that you requested #26 #27 #28, I would love to know what you think ? Thank you.
Can you try entry 26 and 27 in a way that colors are vice versa. For example tab is green and sample is written in yellow and tab is yellow and on is written in green.
Do the same with 26. the tab stay blue and sample written in orange and tab stays orange but on is written in blue. So it has the vice versa look.
John, the tagline is inside the logo and reflection. can you show tagline below the reflection. a little more bigger and a bit to the right and not centered.
Hi john, Sorry for so many updates but I speak for 5 other in on this or else i am not that indecisive.
We can you do couple corrections to entry 49.
Take the power symbol out. just make that regular O. Try a different font than the one used. Some say it reminds them of snapple. just try two different fonts. if possible.
for entry 58 once again. Can you move the lead by a sample under the reflection. As of now it is cutting into the reflection. also move it a little to the right like entry 57. just a tad bit to the right.
Hey john can you still do changes ? and can you see other designers logo on my contest?
If so take the reflection out from this logo. use the green color this other designer is using. It is a little brighter and it has this fade effect to it. It brings a little into it.
Also also his sample coloring is one shade darker. if you could try that.
I just want to go with you caz you worked with me all along and this other deisgner came last minute and took your idea. with coloring and all. so please make few more changes thanks
John you submitted the wrong on. we dont want the tilted on anymore. use the one you previously used. just take reflection out and make the color like cloud99 designer has.