Many thansk again. Just one more request: The client would like if possible to see a version based on #64, but try to incorporate the pictorial in front of SAM7 from #36, reworking that pictorial in the same way you reworked the 7 in #64 (no grey). Personally, I'm not sure how that's going to look as I think the pictorial and the 7 will look too much alike, but let's give it a shot anyway.
The client did not give me any specific feedback on your latest designs, just to leave #64 in 1st place.
But I know you need feedback to produce the best results, so I'll just give you my own input: graphically, your work looks like a million $ and is of very high quality. However, my personal feeling is that pictorial does not reflect the "components" / "modular" / "custom made products " feel we are trying to communicate.
The rules of this contest do not allow me to recommend ideas from other designers, so I'll give you a pointer, without of course asking you copy anything, just to use it a source of inspiration: the Joomla logo has a bit of that feel we're looking for. Again, please just use this as general background info / direction, not a request to copy anything. I will actually post this on the general board as well so it is fair to everyone.
After all, the client likes #38 best, but asked if you could just make the "7" of SAM7 a bit taller than the "SAM" part (either the leg going lower, or the top going higher, whichever you think is best).