Hello aQiF,
Just a quick note: the client was not receptive to them, but I personally like very much your #54 and #65. In fact, if I coudl dicate the ranking instaed of the client, I xould place one of these in the top 3. Unfortunately, she makes the finall call. However, I will talk to her before the contest ends, or during the judging period, and I will try to push my views as well.
I think maybe doing a variation on #54 could be very interesting, as it definitely haƩs that "components" feel that expresses the client's activity. Any chance you might be able to make it a bit "lighter" or "airy" / less "bulky" / "heavy" ?
You may also want to check my latest post on the general comment board, and as you'll see, you rconecpt is very close to that... ;-)
Kind Regards,