Hello Samantha, and thank you for the invitation. I've not forgotten this project an d here is my submission for your review and consideration. The "Sam" component is my own handwriting which leads to a more personal touch. rather than being factory made.
The underscore is a key element in this designers and it's placement is vital to the overall hidden appeal. The reason it's place above your last name is to emphasize "Sam" and add the personal touch.
Good Morning Samantha, Ive made a colour change and added a possible tagline.
I have a question is your website going to change? if not we should be using colours that will suite the site...however we can adjust colours at any time.
I've simplified this in to solid colours red and black...which is cost effect to reproduce. The font used for Sam is a pre-made...actually rather like this over my own hand writing...and it is feminine without being girly.