Looking at entry 7: Would it be possible to use the dog from entry 18 (like the detail in that one) & maybe have left paw resting on/out of the rope "porthole"? Make the Sou'wester rain hat black (based on the Black Diamond Sou'wester Rain Hat if you'd like to google it) and maybe with a red strap? Maybe remove the lower part of the anchor in the "T" & shorten the "T" about same height as the "Y" so the "L" flows under it as it currently does (really like the flow of the "L" and think it will work well if it's not running into the "T"). Possibly keep the top part of the anchor in the "T" and even make it just a little bit larger/bolder?
I do like how the dog is looking up (as if happily looking at his owner, almost with a smile).
Also really like entry 18 - going to take a closer look at that one. Thanks very much!
Thank you for the feedback and rating! I'm enjoying designing the yellow labrador in this contest. I've uploaded #43 with the new Black Diamond Sou. Hope you like it.
Nice, thank you! Would it be possible to lighten the dark blue background so the black hat is more visible? (But keep the dark blue background inside the porthole circle). - Bill
Excellent, thank you, looking great! I wonder if it would be possible (and if it would look good) to carry the lower horizontal part of the "L" across so it forms the lower part of the anchor across the bottom of the "T"? Just a thought. And can we make the lab's nose black?
This is looking great, thank you so much for working with us through this process! I think we're down to the smaller details at this point, and I hope you don't mind me asking for a few more edits.
Would it be possible to: Remove dark blue from the circle Make the hat a little bit smaller on the dog Remove blue outline from strap (so strap is not so prominent) Make the dog little bigger so he comes out of the circle a little more (se we can get rid of the small bit of rope alone above his nose) Lastly, could we look at a version with mouth closed, no tongue? And could I ask your opinion on how you would treat this all on a white background please?
Very nice work on all of this, thank you again! - Bill
Thanks so much for your feedback Bill! For the revised designs, I've uploaded two options of the white background in #82 and #83 and #84 for the original blue background.
Great, thank you very much - these are awesome!!! I think last comments/requests here ...
Possible to make the nose a little bit smaller? Could the hat thread seams be lightened a little bit? Would you recommend bumping up the diameter/size of the rope so we see a little more detail? And really want your opinion on this - do you think mouth should be a little open showing a little tongue or closed as is?
After we nail down previous changes, would like same on white background like entry 83 but with blue in circle like 82 (no outlines around outside of dog & circle).
So cool, thanks again for all your work on this! - Bill
Good day Bill! I've uploaded the revisions as #85#86#87#88 with options for the dog with open mouth and the one with the mouth closed. I personally prefer the version with the tongue out because the dog seems friendlier. Although the version with the mouth closed looks friendly as well.
Good day Bill. Just want to ask if you have any further changes that you would like to explore in these designs? If none, may i know if you can award the winning entry today?