Believe it or not the client made the comment... " like #29, but can we see it with out the butterfly or as another symbol?" I think what they're saying is they like the shape and pattern, but not the strong metaphor.
I am wondering if you can do something in a"Lighting Bolt"style? I really like your style and you have been pretty quick to respond. The client is just shooting off suggestions and the lighting bolt is the only thing i would like to attempt. They would also like to see the text italicized. You can also try a version with just the words Transformation and Acceleration. Maybe the bolt can be in the middle?
Tony , These are all great! Client really likes #99 and #100. I did not see #102 thru #104 until now, so i did not get to show the client, but i think they might like these as well. Wondering if you could do a few more variations, per my client? Can we see versions of #99 with blue box and lightning bolt white. Using the color and shading similar to what you did on #7. Then same idea, but with an orange box. Also love what you have done with the type on #103 and #104 - Can we please get the font italicized in the next versioning. We also need it to say Sales Transformation Acceleration. I know, i know, they are going back to the original title.... what can i say, it's a design by committee process. Anyway, this would be greatly appreciated and probably get you the win. Thank you.
First of all, thank you for the quick response time and i hope we can finally put these logos to rest. Can you knock a few more little things, and i should hopefully be able to get final sign-offs on the logos. #107 Italicize words like in #109. On #103 and #105, please add word Sales and Italicize words. Also, the client feels the shiny/glass sheen of the blue box is "too" turquoise in look. Can we shoot for the two main blues in that box be more Blue RGB 6/122/180, Light blue RGB 58/165/220. Thanks you.
Can i see #202 and #204 with the type justified left and on the right side of the logo. As you had it on #7. Type would still be italicized and blue the way you created them on the last batch.
I'm pretty sure they like all the versions of the lighting bolt on blue, white, and orange. Will we be able to get all 3 version? Let me know.
new layouts, once the number 1 is selected I will upload that one as a eps and jpeg. But I can also supply the other colour options and layouts (left aligned/centred) by email in any formats you may need thats not a problem
That will work fine. I will select #1. If i can get all the other variations as EPS files that would be great. Also wondering if we can talk about potentially continuing doing some other variations outside of LogoTournament? I would hope that is not frowned upon? We can talk logistics and rates via emails.
Not a problem, I will supply each logo as an eps and jpeg file for you
Definitely something I would like to do. This is fine, alot of designers on here work with the CH once a competition has ended. If you PM me with your email I can send the colour variations and talk about the other work.