These designs appear more of a non-denominational church. Our focus is the Eucharist, Holy Trinity, Blessed Virgin Mary and rich traditions. Perhaps a different focus using these colors/fonts?
I can see "Grace." how about the letters like the "chi rho" in Greek (XP), the monogram for Christ, which stands for Christ, redeemer. Thank you for your openness.
#25 is looking more attractive. Can you do more with the "One Holy Catholic Apostolic." Maybe around the "Chi rho" and possible add in the Alpha and Omega images on either side fo teh "X"
awesome. Thank you. I hope you do not mind another request. What would the logo look like if you did something different with the "One Holy Catholic Apostolic" say boardering the circle or what ever you think would give it more emphasis. Thanks for listening.
I like #30. Theologically the logo is sound. The design looks good. I would like to explore some limits with this design if you are open to the ideas. What would it look like if you used the current design as is and placed it in the “Center” of an ornate Monstrance. Second idea, keep the design as is, and place the “4 Marks of the church” (One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church) on the outside of the circle. Thirdly, use the current design and replace the “Chi Rho” in Greek with the Icon of the Holy Trinity.
There are two images or Icons of the Holy Trinity that we like. One is called "Old Testament Trinity, Orthodox Icon." The other Trinity can be found on the Google search, under Holy Trinity. It is the first image on the first line of images. It shows Christ holding the cross, the Father holding a book with alpha and Omega on the pages, and the Holy Spirit as a dove hovering above them. Also the Icon of Christ the Teacher would be interesting to see how that could work.