I like #22. Theologically the logo is sound. The design looks good. We would like to have a stronger feeling of “pop” when we see this logo. A few thoughts; the colors stay the same but become richer, the wording (Saint Anastasia Catholic Church) is played with a little (font or darker, or something). It needs something…. Example: a bland food vs a spicy food. Can you give it a little more spice. :) Yet, still keep it clean and classical. I know, tall order... thanks for trying.
For entry #21 "One Holy Catholic and Apostolic" could you change the color to a darker Gold or Burgundy. There is concern about reading the 4 marks or it being to light and not standing out. Maybe the a switching around of the colors. Gold Saint Anastasia and Burgundy for Catholic Church. Thanks
#38 - can you make "St. Anastasia" red font and "Catholic Church" in gold? I like the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church on this one in red font, it shows up much better.
No one has done this yet and I would really like to see it done. There are two images or Icons of the Holy Trinity that I think are rich in theological content and mystery. One is called "Old Testament Trinity, Orthodox Icon." The other Trinity can be found on the Google search, under Holy Trinity. It is the first image on the first line of images. It shows Christ holding the cross, the Father holding a book with alpha and Omega on the pages, and the Holy Spirit as a dove hovering above them. Also the Icon of Christ the Teacher would be interesting to see how that could work. If you cannot find it let me know. If you can. Please try and use it. Thank you.
Sorry for the delay in choosing a final design! We love it! We'd like to have the logo in any version you can put it in. This logo will be used for print, billboards, banners, shirts, etc. Thank you so much for spending your time on our design!
thanks thanks...!!! i will sent you 2 files via logotournament and the others from email.. you have to see the files in logotournament and approve the files. for anything please email me.... I am very happy you like it. thanks again