Safe Harbor WealthLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Safe Harbor Wealth

Safe Harbor Wealth has selected their winning logo design.

For $675 they received 342 designs from 63 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
What We Do
Financial Advisor specializing in helping retirees and pre-retirees with financial planning and retirement income strategies, as well as growing and protecting their retirement savings.
Color Preferences
Currently using a darkish blue with sand/beige/gold accents. I'm open to color options.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Since the name is "Safe Harbor", I like utilizing a nautical theme. I'll attach the logo I created for reference.

The idea is that we provide our clients with a safe harbor from the storms of market volatility.

I'm kind of thinking I'd like something that has the feel of a high-end attorney's office/logo. Thanks!!!
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Thanks so much for a great start!!! You guys rock!

Some of these are basically a copy of what I already have. I only included my current logo to give an idea of what I created and am currently using and the color scheme I'm using, but I want designers to come up with something unique and different. I don't mind the lighthouses, but feel free to give me something totally different, as well. Same goes for color scheme. I used what I like, color-wise, but I'm open to something different, if it strikes me. You never know! I love seeing lots of unique designs.

Also, I don't want the "insurance and investments" tag line. The change in my company is focusing more on fee-based investment advice and managed money, rather than insurance products. So it's more of a financial advisor than an insurance agency. Thanks!
11 months ago
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