Hi Shnick Studios: you did my friend Susan's fantastic logo for Red Flour bakery. I contacted you last week, but never heard back....so glad you did this!!! i love your design, and i love the lower case font of no 56 and the icon of 57. i was also wondering if could use my initials in a design? like a watermark, or will that look too plain? so psyched u found me!!!
OH, GREAT!!! I loved working on Susan's logo; it was so much fun working with her. I did not get an email from you, weird.. I'll have to go through my "junk mail" and see if it ended up there. I will work up a design using your initials and post shortly....Thanks again, D
hi. thanks again. i like the saadia sullivan design on the bottom a lot. im not in love with the design on top. i wanted something a little fancier with just the "S". im not sure if that is making sense. i sound confused even to myself, lol.
D, im loving everything. thank u so much for being so patient. is it possible to make the S in S(aadia) and S in S(ullivan) larger than the rest of the other letters?
Hi D. Thank u so much. I love the revisions. They look fantastic!! I'm so sorry to ask u to do this but is is it possible to revise the watermark "s" a little. I feel it looks a little swan like....ref no 73. Thank u again so much. It really looks fantastic.
D, I love them!!! Do u do business cards as well? I was looking to do a square card in this blue color. Could we do that? I don't think we should add anything else, do you? Bc I really just want my name to stand out. I'm trying to appeal to a really high end, well educated, luxury minded woman. I don't want too much....
Ok some more feedback. Can we try 2 background S's and in a beige or gold color? Also, can we try my name in another chic script? I know I'm driving u crazy. Just a thought....