Wow! Lots of great entries. I like that you have brought in some new design elements and some great name only logo designs. I can't wait to see my colleagues' reactions.
You are definitely on track. I have some specific suggestions: Make the font a little more like entry #29 Connect the E and A at the bottom to keep the spacing close like between the S and E (several entries have done this - we like that part but didn't like other parts of the logo as much) We that some of your design that can be reversed to a negative (like #180) as well as positive (#179) and if you win, we would like the winning design in both. You are doing great and I appreciate how responsive you have been to other suggestions.
Great! Hate to be picky since I am already putting #192 first but the S seems too dominant - it seems wider than the other letters. Is is possible to put them back in equal proportion?
Ok - thanks. I have a few more. The SEA from #165 has a nice spread - I don't know if this can be achieved with E and A linked but perhaps a little less height and more width will allow you to use a little bigger font on Medical Systems. I want that to be readable even when reduced - entry #144 does a particularly good job of this. The tag line (IV drug safety is our business) might need to be punched up a little. There is an entry with this in an italics font that looks pretty good.
Thanks for you willingness to do all these variations. After suggestions ramming the letters together, I am still finding the proportions of the letters in #165 and even #186 more attractive. Can those be squared off [and possibly stretched to connect the E and A (not essential but would like to see how it looks)]?
Actually the font in those entries is more balanced because the E and A are both square, and if we make the S rounded it would seem disproportionate. That's why the S is squared and it fills the gap between it and the E. I'll try and submit some alternatives according to what you suggested. Thanks again
You are my number one designer but I have 15 judges whose feedback I will be collecting in the next day. If they like your work as much as I did, I may ask you for some finishing touches on a design since you are allowed to submit more during the judging. For example, if the consensus is the SEA like in #165 was preferred but the round symbol and Medical Systems like #221 were preferred, we would like to see that all together. If there is a group preference for another designer, I will let you submit revisions before I switch the rankings to give you the best chance. I hope this is ok and I hope to have word back to you within a day.
Really nice work and you have gone the extra mile!
Great. I have my first request from a judge: "I like the heartbeat idea but despite the many permutations, I didn't see what I think I would like most: a white heartbeat curve (rather than earthquake) inside a blue circle." I think if you take #221 and reverse the symbol colors as per the request, that should let her see whether that is preferred.
p.s. Some of the other designers took a stab at a heartbeat wave but my judge, who is trained as a geophysicist, thought they looked more like earthquake recordings than heartbeats.
Great updates. I'll bring them to everyone's attention. What do #244 / #249 look like as a negative image - white on blue? Also can you show us letters proportional to the symbol, i.e. top and bottom of each lining up?
Alex, Thanks again. The delay in finalizing the contest is my two company co-founders are both traveling (one in Russia, one in US) and have not checking in to see the final couple of days entries where I think you were particularly strong. I have e-mails out to them reminding them I need their feedback so please bear with us a little longer. Michael
We are going with logo #249. Can you scale this so that the logo image and lettering is similar height like you did for #252 and also produce a negative image on blue like #253...actually #253 will probably be the negative image once scaled.
Thank you so much for your patience and you willingness to work with us to really refine the logos. You had so many good ideas and designs.
Once you get the new #249 version posted, I will reorder the contest and declare you the winner.