Thank you for your entries! I am a fan of the purple color and also like green and other outdoor colors like brown and sand. I'm not particularly a fan of the art with the text. Looks more ballet than runner. My original vision (and all of our running) is done outside on beautiful wooded trails. That may be a nice way to go with a shadow on a trail? Thanks again.
Ref to your question - yes! more sporty less soft. Just like logo #1 women. I want the logo to read RUNaway Moms with RUNaway always first, never Moms on the top. The logo doesn't have to have a picture of people in it, but it's nice to compare with. I like the dustier green, like on logo 6 and 7. The reason I chose purple and green was because of the original colors in my logo picture (see file that I attached). No butterflies please. This group is for strong stay at home moms who are focusing on exercise, but enjoy being outdoors. Lots of pine trees where we live. Also would consider looking at logos with RUNaway Moms wording next to each other instead of on top of each other.