Hey I'm really liking your designs.On entry 5 we would like home solutions to be darker and the text larger so it's about the same size as the ruby. I like entry 8 but I do want a ruby in it even if it is small. Also try adding some accent color. Thanks
1 day left. Thanks for all the great designs that you have posted so far. I have two partners and we all seem to have different ideas about what looks the best. I like 89 and 106 a lot. I would love to see 89 with the window color of 55. I also really love 109 but one of my two partners thinks that it must have more of a house look to it. I don't have a suggestion of how to do that but if you want to try to do something with it I would love to see it. Thanks.
I believe that 89 will be our winner but I need you to change a couple things. The words "Home Solutions" need to be darker and bolder. Also could you try to make the ruby color a little more red. I still like the variable colors. Just a bit redder. Thanks.
Ok. You will be the winner but if you don't mind can you let me see the red just a little darker. Something in between 148 and 89. I guess I'm looking for a deeper red. I'm not sure how to describe it but you are very close.