rubistoneLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / rubistone

rubistone has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 128 designs from 21 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.


#2: Hello, the sign you use don't convince me, even the color, red seems too much agressive. the lettering, very simple is a right way to follow.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Rubies are red, aren't they? Or is there some other connotation to the name?
16 years ago
Yes, but ruby is just a name, no relation with our business..I saw your profile and I can give you a couple of works that I like perhaps this can help:

ABSOLU (very simple lettering and essential sign... you can work on the sign thinking about a horse - rubistone is a horse name)

FORTIFYENERGY: simple lettering, simple sign

16 years ago
#3: much better, I love the sign of the horse, I think you can work on this direction and try to findout more grafic solution.
16 years ago
you submit just 2 logos... strange because the #3 was really a good solution, I will apreciate other variation from you part... You was my favorite... strange you didn't work on it...hope to view something more... Thx
16 years ago
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