Color Preferences
something that is some kind of blue or turquoise letters with all white or black or green leaf/brown trunk palm tree in between ? maybe a black outline on everything , maybe not ? if sun is added , either all white or black or an orangish yellow
Our Ideas & Additional Information
just the 2 capital letters R and P for the royal palms words and then a nice palm tree (not a stick figure palm ) is either in the center of the two letters not touching the letters , or one version can be where the palm tree is integrated into the letters , or the palm can be taller than the letters and the branches are hanging over the tops of the letters ? or the palm tree can be on the left or right side ? Also , a small roofline over the top of everything that would be similar to what vacasa did with one of their logos . Only 1 upside down V though ,no chimney, nothing else above. The letters should be a little sophisticated but also maybe modern and unique ? Or can they be similar to the Rolly royce style letters ? Not really sure . A sun incorporated above the palm tree and just under the roofline would be great but i'm not sure if that makes it too crowded? I know one of the example logos had a slightly curved line under the palm tree representing a beach shoreline which would be nice as well to extend out from either side of the palm tree under both of the letters . Again , not sure if that would be too busy or not . I sent one drawing that I did freehand for the general idea im starting with . IT MUST HAVE A PALM TREE ! Most if not all of our business will be in Florida and most likely near water and some on water.