While I know you're here. Can you try to come up with one more new design for the group. This time - don't use any musical instruments or notation. Just our name and any (clean) abstract design you think would work well.
Hey there. We have just a few more changes to a few designs that we'd like for you to try. I'm going to keep the other guy in 1st place until 4:30PM EST tomorrow so that he can submit a few more changes. At that time I'm going to move you to first so that you can submit the following changes. Let me know if that is a problem.
For #69, can you try redesigning it with only 3 green and 3 black members making up the circle? I think that's partly why #74 is better. Also, underline "High School Band" like it was in #57.
Lastly, can you resubmit #69, #74, and the new version of #69 that I just requested with something musical (not an instrument) in the middle of the circles? All revisions should have the line under "high school band."
That's 4 revisions: new #69 with 3 green and 3 black, new #69 with 3 green and 3 black with something musical in the middle, old #69 with something musical in the middle, #74 with something musical in the middle. (All should have "high school band" underlined.
Again, you can submit those changes tomorrow after 4:30PM EST. Thank you!
#92... very small change. You have 4 sets of 8th notes in the middle. Can you delete the beam joining each set turning them into 4 sets of quarter notes. (This is all musical terminology... let me know if you need clarification.)
Can you please resubmit #97 with black notes in the middle?
Also, resubmit #98 1. Make the banner with the star in it black. 2. Can you alter the clarinets so that they cross in the center of the logo and cross at their midpoints?