Rosenthal JCC Early Childhood CenterLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Rosenthal JCC Early Childhood Center

Rosenthal JCC Early Childhood Center has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 70 designs from 5 different designers from around the world.










































Logo Designer
Thank you for reviewing my entry. The underline of the "RJCC" is intended to be a shofar. I wasn't sure if you wanted the entire logo to be playful or if you wanted the RJCC" to be more serious and I can certainly change the font if so. Please let me know if you would like to see any changes.

Best Regards,
11 years ago
Hi Faith,
We didn't notice the shofar until you mentioned it, but it's nice. The playfulness of the Early Childhood Center component of the logo is exactly what we're looking for. It's great! The bold font of the RJCC lettering is also what we were looking for. We like the R sitting slightly on top of the J. The RJCC component could be playful, but not childish. Do you have any other ideas for the RJCC?
Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm pleased that you like the Early Childhood Center portion of the logo. If you could possibly elaborate on what you were thinking (if anything) as far as the RJCC portion, that would be appreciated :) Perhaps did you just want to see some other fonts choices, etc.?

11 years ago
Hi Faith,
We would be interested in seeing other font designs. We like how the boldness of the letters lends to the use of that portion of the logo as an "icon." You might use some Jewish imagery in the letters, or you might stress the J in RJCC by making that letter bigger. We don't have any one thing in mind in particular, but we would like for the "RJCC" lettering to be able to stand alone and communicate our brand (hip, Jewish, modern, making connections). Still simple, but with a little zip to it.
Does this help?
The Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, it helps very much, thank you. I will work on some other options.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
#36 is another option. Please let me know if there is something else you would like to see.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Whoops #37, so sorry :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#41 I made a slight adjustment so that the "J" stood out a bit more.
11 years ago
Hi Faith,
We were wondering if you had any other ideas for fonts for the RJCC?
The Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your feedback. If there is any way you can give me an idea of what you might be looking for as far as other fonts, it would be appreciated. Did you want to stay with the menorah on the "J" concept? I only ask because there are so many choices of fonts that I want to try and narrow in on what you might like to see :)

Best Regards,
11 years ago
HI Faith,
While we like the menorah, we were thinking that it might be just too complicated/not reproduce well for small spaces. The J from the Oshman JCC of Palo Alto is a nice unusual font, and bold to stand out in a small space.
Thank you,
The Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#45 Please let me know what you think of this idea? I know you had mentioned not using the star, but it really is the most graphic symbol unless perhaps you have another icon suggestion? :)

Best Regards,
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Also, I used the lines connected to the star to give it a subtle shooting star appearance.
11 years ago
Hi Faith,
Yes, this is closer to what we're looking for!!!!! The main JCC logo is iconic and attractive. The shofar breaks up the main RJCC logo from the Early Childhood Center component, which is fun in its own right.

Could you please show us some other font options like this? (The two Cs could be mistaken for Es, and we had mixed feedback on this J, some people loved the J, others didn't love it.) We don't love the gray color of the R.

Also, would you please try a version where the R is raised slightly above the J and you write out Rosenthal on top of the RJCC.

Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much for your feedback. I understand about the "Cs" and will work on those and the Rosenthal, etc. I am a little lost though on the "J" as to where you would like to go, but will try to come up with some other options. If you have any ideas, please let me know :)

11 years ago
Hi Faith,

What we like about the J it is that it is bold. Also, it is slightly non-standard. We're looking for something a lot like this, but just a little different. Sorry that's not so helpful.

Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Perhaps if I knew what you didn't like about it, it might help? :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#58 Hopefully it's similar, but different :) Please let me know if you would like to see anything else.

Regards, Faith
11 years ago
Hi Faith,
Thanks - I look forward to sharing this with the team in the morning, but would you have time before then to add a large R in front of and slightly higher than the J (same size or similar to the two Cs)? Then the R would flow into the rest of the word Rosenthal. Also, the font that you have chosen for Rosenthal looks too thin - I think that it will get lost when collapsed to a smaller space.
Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#59 is hopefully what you had in mind :)
11 years ago
Hi Faith,
We're not quite sure how this contest is supposed to work. We really like your entry #59. the Early Childhood component is perfect, but the RJCC portion of the logo still isn't exactly right. It's almost there, but we would like to fall in love. We would like to select you as the final designer and work with you over the next few days to tweak the font. Would you be willing to work with us on this? Otherwise we will open up the contest for another few days.
The Rosenthal JCC
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, if you would like to close the contest and then work together to get the RJCC right, we can certainly do that. It might actually be a little easier as sometimes it is difficult to communitcate through writing back and forth and once the contest is complete we can then have direct contact and be able to discuss it in more detail. I look forward to working with you on it.

Best Regards,
11 years ago
Hi Faith,

We have chosen you as our designer of choice (or will, if we didn't figure out the system properly). What time zone are you in? Thank you for agreeing to continue to tweak your design over the next week (or a little less now).

We love the Early Childhood part of the logo, and we want to keep that as is. Looking at the Early Childhood part, everyone agreed that it was great. The feeling was intuitive, instant, and passionate.

When we covered over the ECC portion to see what the RJCC logo will look like when it stands alone, the reaction was lukewarm. We would like your help in tweaking the format that you came up with to make it something the staff rallies around. Would you be able to show us a few more font options for the RJCC component?

Out of the designs, #59 is our favorite. We like that the star isn't whole and centered, and that the R inside of the white space makes it look more interesting. Here are some of our other reactions, though they are jumbled and perhaps don't give you as clear a direction as you would prefer: The shofar J is a nice idea, though it could be more subtle so that it looks more like a recognizable J. The Oshman JCC uses a shofar J with a dot to complete the J (just a thought - not asking for a replica of that). Maybe we could work with the J from #45 and shorten it. Or the J doesn't have to be a shofar at all. Going back to #45, one person commented that perhaps the star could be "tilted" so that the star isn't so plain. It might help to work on the RJCC part of the logo thinking of it as a stand-alone logo, because it will have to stand alone in addition to next to the other logo.

We have a question about the green of the Rosenthal. In your professional opinion, will that display well, or might it be too light of a color? We're asking for your opinion/advice. When we print it in black and white, it registers fine.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Audrey,

Did you want me to show you some other options now or can I work on them once we have had an opportunity to chat a little further as like I said it may be a bit easier that way and I might get a clearer picture of what you want?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Also, I am in Los Angeles so pacific :)
11 years ago
Hi Faith,
What is your phone number? I could call you now if you want.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Audrey,

Unfortunately it is against LT rules to communicate outside of LT until the contest is complete. I appologize for any inconvience but like I said, I would be more than happy to continue working with you on the logo even if the contest has been completed. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

11 years ago
Actually, I think that you could start working on designs now and we'll speak tomorrow. Send me your phone number if you would like for me to call you.
11 years ago
Okay, that's fine. You understand the contest rules much better than I do. Let's continue to work together on this through the weekend. Will you be able to submit designs based on the feedback that I just gave you?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Audrey,

Please let me know if #60 works any better for you? :)

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, #61 :)
11 years ago
Hi Faith,

Would you be able to show us a version like this but with the star in white bleeding onto the left edge and the leg of the R kicking into the space, like in #59, and the word Rosenthal on top? Then we wouldn't need the words on the bottom.

We cannot use the green background, because we place our logo in a JCC brand badge.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#62, #63, #64 A few different color options for "Rosenthal" Please let me know if this is what you had in mind?

11 years ago
Hi Faith,

This is great!!! Would you be able to please tweak the J in #63, making it stand up a little more such that the left side (mouthpiece part) is in line with the left side of the R - to make the J more immediately obvious as a J.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Audrey,

Thank you! #65 Let me know what you think of this one? :)

11 years ago
Hi Faith,

Could you please try to find a font for the J rather than continue to tweak the artwork that you created? The shofar image just doesn't seem to be working in place of the J.

As you do that, we are open to a sans font for the Rosenthal if it works better.

Thank you,
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Audrey,

#66 and #67 Please let me know what you think of these?

11 years ago
Hi Faith,

We are in agreement that we like #66 but with a two changes. 1) Please use the CC from #65, and 2) Please cut off the curly Q from the foot of the J. What I did was to just place a white box on top of the tip of the foot so that people could visualize it.

Once you make those two changes, we would like to see two versions. One with the placement of the ECC component as is, and one where the ECC component begins under the CC but next to the J, making it extend slightly beyond the CC. Am I explaining this clear enough?

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Audrey,

#68 and #70 Hopefully I got it! :)

11 years ago
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