Hi Natasa,
Thanks for you creativity! We are intrigued by
#16, and we would like to work on this concept.
1) We like the interesting overlap/sizing of the letters, but we feel that the name is too difficult to read. Is there any way that you can create the letters in full color? That will also reproduce better in black and white.
2) Also, it's cute to see the items hanging off of the name. That speaks fun without words. But we're not sure what all of the items are. What is the thing pointing out of the boy's head? Perhaps you could use a canoe instead of a sailboat? The satchel with the pencils might be too fine to register, and it's hard to see what the picture actually is.
3) Finally, from a size perspective, we are looking for the RJCC logo and the camp part of the logo to be about 50/50 in terms of their size.
We look forward to seeing your new ideas.
Rosenthal JCC