Good effort - I like Entry 36. Can you please edit and use the same colors provided in the contest. The green and orange you used is whats probably setting me off right now. I like these colors too. so add another entry with the colors which were provided. Also, change the font to red. Lets see how that looks
can you incorporate a small flower using the dot of the 'i' as the center of the flower so that it looks like the butterfly is flying away from the flower? It might have the logo very busy but if you can keep the right proportions it might look very nice
#109 is great! I love the font, however, can you make some edits to the 'z' - it has sharp edges. I'd like it if you can round them so that it blends nicely with the other alphabets. Second thing, can you also round the dot of the 'i' so that it is a circle - that way it will blend with the trail of the butterfly.
Lastly, with the edits made above, can you showcase this in the color scheme I provided? Font to be red.
so I used a screenshot of #109 on my web app header and its looking good. I wanted to see if the size of the butterfly is appropriate and not drowning the overall logo - its looking good. Just to get some more perspective, can you add 2 additional (top choices of your own) styles of butterflies. I see that even in earlier logos the butterfly was the same - so maybe a different butterfly would give me some more perspective
1) Both wings will be green colored (along with their outline). 2) The body and antennas of the butterfly should be yellow 3) The trail of the butterfly should be changed to green (and in another entry as yellow). I do realize that the dot of the 'i' is going to be red but I want to see if it looks good. Right now the red font and red trail are both drowning the impact of each other
In this case, use the following color: 1) Wings should be green 2) Inside patch of the wings should be Yellow 3) Body and antenna of butterfly should be Red 4) Trail should be green
If you use a similar shape and change the colors of the top wings to be yellow (you can darken the yellow a little more than what it currently is) and the bottom wings can be Green. The middle part (body) of the butterfly can be red. Darken the color of the trail a little more so that its a little more prominent.
For the butterfly wing colors, can you also reverse the color of wings as I mentioned above. Make one version where the top wings are green and the bottom ones are yellow.
it's not allowed use exacly same logo already exist, there's a rule about copying logo in Logotournament community. i can get banned from logotournament.
#127 is looking great!! We just need to work a little more on it and we'll be close to the final design. Here's the work needed:
1) In order to make sure we distance ourselves as much as possible from resembling the MSN butterfly, lets add antennas to this butterfly. Look at the small antennas this butterfly has The color of the antennas will be red. 2) The trail looks well built towards the side where the butterfly is. Its a little weak towards the side where the 'i' is. The reason for this is the smaller sized dots in the trail as they leave a lighter impact. What we can do is add maybe 2-3 more dots to increase the visibility. Another thing you can try is to increase the size of the smaller dots a little so that they are more impactful 3) We still need to fix the edges of the alphabet 'Z'. The top right corner and bottom left corner edges are still sharp. Can you please make them a little round so that the letter fits in nicely with the others. 4) Try increasing the size of the dot of the 'i' a little (maybe by 20%) - I want to see if that has any nice effect on the right side of the logo as it will visually balance the right side (since the butterfly is on the left side and there's a slight imbalance between the two sides).
new update, #129 - add antenas - increase small dot and add more dot - Letter Z edges more rounded #130 - same as #129 but letter "i" more bigger than before #131 - same as #129 and #130 but, use letter "i" dot as a trail, so it's look increasing size to the butterfly (just optional)
#130 is nice ! lets work on that a little. I was asking for the dot of the 'i' to be 20% larger, not the whole alphabet. Please reduce the height of 'i' to its original size while keeping the new size of the DOT on top of 'i' to be the same.
Now for a little different approach. Can you make one entry in which the butterfly's outlines are not black but green and yellow. Also try removing the white shadow which is added to give the 3D effect. Since the rest of the logo is following the flat design principle, lets see how the butterfly looks like if we remove the black outlines and the white lines
Btw Good job on the antennas and the rounding of the edges in 'z'!! I like it!
very nice work!! I'm liking butterfly #1 Let me do some more analysis (I'm adding it to the header of my web app to see how it looks with the rest of the color scheme and layout)
Can you change the trail back to how it was in #121. The added green dots didn't come out too nice. Its losing the effect of the trail. Its a little too distinct. So lets change that to how it was earlier.
Very nice work btw! You take feedback very well and incorporate it nicely into your designs! Good job
Ok so #134 is definitely in the lead and we're very close to finishing this off. Great work on the new trail - I love it! Lets lockdown the trail, no edits to that. I have one thing which is bothering me a little. The section of the wings of the butterfly where they overlap has a mixed color (green/yellow) and it comes off as an olive color. Looking from far it doesn't have a negative effect as its not very distinguishable but when looked closely it radiates the olive color which is very noticeable. I do know that it is also giving the effect of one wing over the other. Can you try to make it more green than yellow maybe that way we'll get a slightly greenish shade than the current olive one.
#136 is amazing! Last edit before I finalize this. Can you extend the right side of the trail a little bit closer to the dot of the 'i'. When looking at it close then it looks good but when from far away then it seems like its a little disconnected from the 'i'.