I like what you've done with the tree! I see a person in it. Was that your intention? I would like to see #22 with a different color scheme, perhaps some browns and caramel with a more of a blue color than green. I am also looking for a definite image of a stream around the tree.
Very clever: Designs #22 and #25 are growing on me. I like the glow of the person in #22 and I like the three colors in #25. Hard to decide. Can you put a stream in #22 and show me a black and white version? In the end I also need something that copies well in one color. Thanks! Kim
Nancy, I like your style. Could you also look at my brief again and consider this additional information: I want a logo that symbolizes the following for my new business name: Roots-n-Streams 1 – providing economic stability (roots) to women and orphans in developing countries by selling their livelihood projects. This allows them to flow life (streams) out to others. 2- Rooted and grounded in Christ, we bring streams of life to others. This idea comes from 2 verses in the Bible- "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream. (Jeremiah 17:7-8) Thanks!!! Kim
Is #45 the 'one color' version I would receive if I choose #25 as the winner? Just trying to understand the process. If the answer is yes, then I guess I should choose a color version as the winner, right? I extended the contest 1 day since I have schedule conflicts and will have sporadic access to the site during the day today. I am on Central time. How about you? I like roots in #25, #45, and #46. Wondering what it would it look like to have the person in #25 look a little brighter like entry #46 while still keeping the 3 colors blended. Thanks for working on this. I have quite a story behind this whole thing. Kim
It's a good idea to get a single color version of whichever design you select! It's also a good test of a design - designs that retain integrity in a single color are desirable. I'll certainly send along a black and white version of your logo. :) I would also ask for a high res png file. Your vendors will want and eps, but unless you have a vector program like Adobe Illustrator, you will appreciate a png file. The winning designer can email you the files. LT allows only for 1 eps file and a jpg for upload.
I am on the west coast. I will be working both today and tomorrow. My weekend availability is spotty.
Thanks for the information. This is all new to me. I had someone donate the money for me to get a contest going. I'm learning the vocab along the way. Are you creating in layers? I need versitility options. I may want to use only the logo at times or the logo with 'life gives life'. So I guess that means 3 layers. Is that correct? I need to think about colors. Hard to decide. I want it all. (smile) I love purple. It would be cool to see the image in a few color schemes. Thanks for taking the time to work with me. Blessings, Kim
Well, in Illustrator or Inkscape (this is a free vector application) you can edit those things easily - color, arrangement, etc. I can also set up a layered Photoshop file for you to work with.
Wow! This is awesome! Love them all, especially #58. I'm picturing notecards for sale to help the widows. I already have friends who want t-shirts. Before I looked at the new submissions I was picturing the tree top with a few colors in it: green, yellow, pink, purple anything goes I guess. This is so fun! You mean I could play around the colors afterward if I choose your design? If this is the case, then which one would you recommend that I put in first place? If not, then I still need to know that answer and then how much it would cost to get images later. Kim
re: #58 - LOVE these colors but probably should not choose this one for the main winner. Most of the people giving me opinions are choosing #25 or #55. I also LOVE the black and white (or is it brown and white?) but I'll get that with the color version I choose. Right?
Entry #46 - Curious to see a multi-colored tree top (purple, orange, and pink) with this trunk- keep the yellow in the center - keep the colors of the stream and fonts as they are. Thanks!
re: #25 Nancy, Can you bring some of the lighter color up around the head just a bit. I would like to see the way it looks that way. I seem to be drawn to a few of the others where the center is lighter - but I don't want it to 'glow' too much or lose the current effect. Thanks! Please also play around with my previous two requests #46 and #55 if it's not too much trouble. I am logo design illiterate so I don't know if my requests are time consuming or just a few clicks of a button.
Yes, you will get the black and white version. I will likely send most of the files without the background paper image - it won't be much good use. But I can send it along separately.