Roland Zoller ConstructionLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Roland Zoller Construction

Roland Zoller Construction has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 80 designs from 24 different designers from around the world.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Entry #'s 3 & 7: To be more specific, we want a colorful image of a mountain in the Swiss Alps (perhaps the Matterhorn). And in the mountain's foothills we want a traditional Swiss Chalet with some detail. The scene is set beneath a lovely blue sky. I am originally from Switzerland and this is of great importance to me. But please do NOT include the Swiss flag (I do not want to exclude any new clients). I prefer warm, traditional, earthtone colors and in the style of Norman Rockwell.
13 years ago
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