Striking design. Both on white and on black, the design looks very nice. On #18, do you think it would work better if colors were reversed on the stylized 'r' and 'h' as well as on the 'ROGER' and 'HAMMONS'? Thanks! -- Roger
Thanks, Filipe! For me, it's hard to decide between #18 and #21. I'm hoping to start getting feedback from associates to help with process. And I very much like the revisions #24 and #25. The pyramid-like structure seems especially effective with your stylized 'r' and 'h' combination.
#29 and #30 is an interesting take on your stylized 'r' and 'h'. I think I prefer the solid version, mainly because my mind really wants to be connecting together those short line segments together in some way---they don't look comfortable there. But it's an intriguing idea as the line segment version seems a bit lighter, which is nice.
I understand and agree , #24 letterform mark is a bit heavy. Now it´s a bit late here, but i´ll work on more tomorrow. Thank you again for the generous feedback.
Filipe, another very nice design that works on both white background #46 and black background #47. I like them very much. The rounding of the 'r' shape softens the design nicely. I enjoy the fact that the 'h' is now even more subtle but once you see it's there it's quite compelling. I really do like the boldness and sophistication of the monochrome black and white design, but what are your thoughts on color variation with this design? Eager to see more!
Filipe, Thanks for the compliment. It's exciting to see such great design. I've been out and will soon turn in but thought I'd give some initial reactions to updates. #64 through #72 again show strong sense of design. I like all of them. I think my favorite of the new ones is #64 where you've added color to your already strong design. The concept of having the right of the symbol be inverse mirror image instead of just mirror image adds nice dash of dynamism as the two sides play against one another due to the asymmetry. I do enjoy this very much. With this inverse mirror image, I think the rectangular frame may work a bit better for me, since the rounded shape starts to make the right hand side into a bullseye, which I find a bit distracting from the company and logo concept. Of these, both arrangements of the text Roger Hammons Photography relative to the mark (underneath or to the side look) are attractive. My only issue with the inverse mirror image designs is that the vertical bar of the 'h' no longer appears so mysteriously and strongly as in the straight mirror image design #46. This hidden feature is one of the aspects of your design that I love.
I'll try to update the rankings in the morning!
Thanks for your diligence and the always intriguing design variations. -- Best, Roger
Hi Roger I really have to thank you again for your kind words. I understand your point of view, and agree that my new entries that make the H in negative space aren´t so easy to read as the simmetric ones.
I uploaded some small revision i made to my simmetric designs, but tomorrow night i´ll have more time to try and develop something new and different.
Filipe, I haven't had a change to look at the wonderful variations that you've recently proposed yet, but I wanted to let you know that your design #46 rocks among the close associates I've heard from so far! I appreciate the dedication and experimentation as to slight variations in size etc. And of course looking forward to your other ideas as well! Best, Roger
Filipe, Don't want to stifle your creativity whatsoever, but I was interested in seeing what you might do with fine stroke lines in #96 (and related designs). I was thinking a small stroke framing and uniting the 'rh' symbol and the word PHOTOGRAPHY but interrupted by the text 'ROGER HAMMONS'. #96 is already such a wonderful design, I don't want to destroy its elegance with a clumsy client idea, so please use your esthetic judgment! -- Best, Roger
Hi Roger, i´m sorry for the delay, I´ve been working on it to improve it but got a bit stucked on #94 , and i felt everything i worked wasn´t better, or different enough to post it.
Of course you don´t stifle my creativity. i´m uploading the logos you sugested now, and i´m now working on other variations. Let me know if this was what you were thinking off. #154 and #155
Be back in a while, and i´ll also be here for the next few hours, so if you have anymore ideas, let me know. Best Filipe
#156 is a beautiful change. I like that the left edge of 'rh' symbol lines up more precisely with the vertical stroke of the E in ROGER and the P in PHOTOGRAPHY and that right edge aligns precisely with the final vertical stroke of the M in HAMMONS and edge of Y in PHOTOGRAPHY. I will move it to number 1 spot while I consider the box stroke. The box stroke designs #154 and #155 is what I had in mind. I like that it brings more emphasis to PHOTOGRAPHY. I was originally thinking a bit tighter, less white space between stroke and the 'rh' etc., but perhaps this uniform spacing is best. It is a strong design. I perhaps like #156 better -- to me it feels more open and modern without the box. What are your thoughts on adding a little extra weight to the ROGER HAMMONS so that it stands out a bit more? -- Loving what I see! Roger
Thank you,!! it´s hard to read what you write without a big smile on the face :-) I understand the purpose of the framing of PHOTOGRAPHY, i´ll see what can i do, to find other solutions. Personally i prefer without the box, it has more freedom.
Be back in a bit with the heavier font. Thank you again for all the great feedback. Filipe
Thanks, Filipe! These are very nice. We're getting into some real fine-tuning where it has become harder and harder for me to determine which I like better. Certainly, the thin stroke is #161 is a much more elegant solution than the stroke frame we tried but does much the same thing. It retains the modern opening feeling while emphasizing the alignment/coordination of PHOTOGRAPHY with the 'rh' symbol above. I like it but right now am not sure if I like it better than the version #160 without it. I'd be curious to see what #161 would look like in a single-color design. Another variation on the stroke might be to lengthen it. Conceptually, I like the fact that it matches the width of the symbol and PHOTOGRAPHY, but I think my eye also fights against it, wanting that line to be longer (perhaps to provide more support/balance with the ROGER HAMMONS?). If we were to go back to less weight for ROGER HAMMONS, maybe this feeling would be less? Again I'm very interested in your opinion and suggested revisions. -- Best, Roger
Hi Roger, i´m orry but yesterday was a already a bit late and i had to call it a day.
Right now, i´m not at home so i can´t do the revisions you asked me right away, and will only be able to do them when the contest is in judging, hope there´s no problem with it.
As soon has i get home, i´ll send you a comment and we´ll work on those variations and talk about the best solutions.
Filipe, Thanks for the variations. In #197, interested in seeing all black version rather than the gold. In #198, the lengthier line flush left/right with ROGER HAMMONS isn't as appealing as the short line flush right/left with PHOTOGRAPHY. Wondering if line length halfway between the two would work? Still debating about the font weight -- leaning towards the lighter weight as in #196. The design is so beautiful. Looking forward to seeing what else you might come up with! Best, Roger
Thank you Roger. I also prefer the balance the lighter font gives and i just tried the half way line that can be a good solution for it, but i think i still prefer the shorter version. It´s starting to get difficult to judge them, the changes are small but they do make a difference. Best Filipe
The extra space in #202 and #203 looks very nice. The mid-length stroke is much better than the full-length stroke. For the color version, it seems to me that the choice is between #203 and #213. Which do you prefer? The design looks very nice in the dark gray #158 as well. -- Best, Roger
Sorry about that! I meant #156 (my 13th). Choice is probably between #156, #196, and #203 for the color version. What are your thoughts about the pros/cons of these designs? Your preference? -- Thanks! Roger
It´s really very difficult for me to choose between them. I´m really undecided on #156 or #203. I really like them both.
#156 is a more clean, simple solution, while #203 is a more "boxed" ,vertical solution and gives more relevance to photography, I´ll have to say my preference goes to #203, maybe because it´s the last one i did, and i like the white space it has. Hope it helps :) Thanks Filipe
Thanks, Filipe! Very helpful. That is how I read them too. I'll reflect on this a bit more to choose. One of #156 or #203 will be the winner.
Could you explain to me how the contest works in terms of variations? I would like to get the preferred color version (#156 or #203) for use in print and on the web. Is the background included as part of the design (or does the vector graphic include only text and symbol)? I would want to use the logo on both white and black backgrounds (and possibly other colors). For example, on my website and letterhead, the colored logo on a white background would be preferred. For certain packaging, I can see the colored logo on a black background as the preferred look. Also, for watermarking and die creation (e.g. for stamping into wedding album cover), the dark gray B+W version would be best. Not sure if this covers my needs or not. Any recommendations would be welcomed.
In terms of color variations, once you finish the contest i´ll upload just an EPS and JPG of the winning logo, but after i´ll send to your mail all those color variations. In my view, they are just color variations of the same logo. You just have to let me know which ones you want me send. Thank you, really happy for it. Best Filipe
Filipe, I finally decided between #203 and #156! Your #203 is my choice and has been picked as the winner of the contest. I absolutely love this new logo. Thank you for your brilliant design and for working with me so diligently. In addition to #203 as designed, I would like to get the same design but with the color variations as shown in #98, #200, and #197. Best wishes for your continued success in 2013! -- Roger