#39 is so striking! It's a sophisticated design. I like the golden emblem with intertwined R and H. Here the intertwining works well for me --- the R and H are both readable from the design and the graphic is not as industrial as other attempts to do the same. The way you've put together the company name is also elegant. The small italic font with delicate strokes on either side is really pretty and softens the overall affect nicely.
I like each of the variants #40, #41, and
#42. The feel is slightly different across the entire set. For example, in
#42, I enjoy the extra readability of the R and the H compared to #39 very much. It seems bolder, whereas #39 is softer. The pair #41 and #40 have similar contrasts as the pair
#42 and #39.
The black backgrounds in #39 and
#42 sing luxury ('black label'), more so in my mind than many of the other designs with similar background. The white backgrounds also work nicely for your designs, conveying sophistication if not the same luxury as the black label.
Thank you!