RockStarTherapyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / RockStarTherapy

RockStarTherapy has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 201 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Working with bands and musicians to improve professional group dynamics and personal relationships
What We Do
Former music industry executive now a licensed therapist specializing in integrating my insight and experience in the music industry with my expertise as a therapist.
Color Preferences
No pink, no yellow, no orange
Pastels are ok (if not too girly)
Black & white with other colors is fine (not just black & white)
Deep red or maroon ok
Dark green ok...maybe light green (not kelly green)
Blues are ok (deeper, darker blues)
Variations of grey are ok
Logo outlined in black or dark grey with other colors within ok
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Check out my website and read about me and what I do.
We have a "temporary" logo at the top as you will see (not crazy about this logo). It resembles "RockStar Energy Drink's" label too much with a star as the "A". I want something more unique and "cool". rather than cliche'.
As of right now RockStarTherapy is one word. However, I would consider other options.

Logo and text need to be very clear and clean and easy to read. I want the logo very legible and easy to understand at one guessing "what is this??" Also, when looking at the logo I would like the viewer to feel "triumphant".


Order by
Entry Number











































































1 2 3 4 1 ... 4 Next >


Logo Designer
Hello! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:

~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Rank a variety of designs to get a variety of entries.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is Private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page:
~~ Leave private feedback by clicking on a design. Feedback will be made public upon contest completion
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you will see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested".
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Designers earn points for designs ranked 1st - 10th. We like to earn points.
~~ After your contest closes it will enter Judging phase. You can re-rank designs in Judging.
~~ While in Judging, the designer ranked in first place can submit revisions

Get answers to your questions here:
13 years ago
Very excited about these initial entries. Thank you for taking the time to work on this logo for me!
I am now thinking that I may like in addition to or instead of a "star" for the image to include something representing music such as: a guitar, microphone & stand, an outlined image of a musician or singer, stage lights etc...... Maybe even an image that somehow combines music with therapy.... But not making it too confusing. Just something that will make a person want to call me for services so they too can "succeed", "be a star", "triumph" over any problems.
I like the font in entry #3.
I like the feel of the star rising up in entry #1 and entry #2 (again, I am thinking of adding to the star or instead of the star something representing in the examples I mentioned above).
I like using grey, but used more as an "accent" color rather than a primary color.
13 years ago
Thanks for reading my latest comments. Entry #4 & Entry #5 are very creative and "getting there". I am wondering if it would be possible to make the image/logo a little "stronger", "triumphant" (less curly & "soft"). Again, thank you everyone!! This is my first experience with LogoTournament and it's been really fun & cool to work with you!
13 years ago
UPDATE to my last comment since two entries were updated......Entry #7 & Entry #8 are very creative and "getting there". I am wondering if it would be possible to make the image/logo a little "stronger", "triumphant" (less curly & "soft").
13 years ago
I appreciate the effort to adjust the logo, but entry #9 it is too "playful". Entry #7 is closer to what I want, but an even "stronger" image would be better.
13 years ago
I changed the ranking so Entry #8 is now in 1st place and Entry #7 is in second place. I did this because I like the font in Entry #8 and I like the colors in Entry #7. Also, I like the deeper "crimson" red color in Entry #6. Looking to refine the image a little more to give it some "strength" and more "rock 'n roll" without being "cliche" or "silly". I really & truly appreciate all the effort so far and look forward to more!! Thanks!!!
13 years ago
After looking at the entries again, I do like the font in Entry #3 because it is "strong" and not "curly cue", but prefer not all lowercase letters... I like the R (in Rock) the S (in Star) and the T (in Therapy) to be capital letters.
13 years ago
Hi and thank you for the new creative submissions! I appreciate the effort and I like your concept. Right now i am on my phone and can't rank them yet...I will rank them within the next 60 mins when i get to a computer.
Entries #10, #11, #12, #13: Your designs do feel stronger, but I'm wondering if you could actually dial it back a little so it has a slightly "warmer" feel. Would it be possible for the guitarist to be more "androgynous" and "artsy" looking?? More comments to come.... Thank you again for your hard work and effort!
13 years ago
In general......I would like the font to be interesting enough to stand along from the graphic icon. I prefer not to have a "stroke" added to the font. Entries #10 & #11 I like the "accent" underline underneath the words. The way it fades from the middle to the end looks cool. I like the colors in entries #7, #8, #10, #11.....On the right track with colors. I am going to move Entry #9 up in the ranks because the "character" is growing on me and it looks very personalized rather than "clip art". Just want to see if the character can be "refined" a bit....
13 years ago
Thanks for the latest entries #14 and #15 and the efforts to refine the "character" image. I am wondering if the character image in entry #14 can be refined and simplified a bit. It tool me a couple minutes to figure out what the two figures were doing.....But I like the creative idea..... Entry #15 is a good attempt for the original character, but I don't think the "hat" really gives the feel and "message" that I am looking for.... I am looking to send out a "message" combining "rock 'n roll" feel, coolness, hipness, and the inviting nature of therapy....
Entries #7, #8, #10, #11 are on the right track.... A combination of those images depicting "strength, triumph, warmth, inviting" desire to "check me out.... What is this "RockStarTherapy? I want to check it out"

As for fonts, I still like the fonts in Entries #8 and #11 best.
Color schemes are right on track......perhaps red & black as primary colors and grey as a secondary "accent" color.

As I mentioned, I want the graphics of the words "RockStarTherapy" to be unique, cool, strong enough to stand separately from the "character" image.... As well as the "character" image to be able to stand along. This is incase I separate them in marketing materials etc....
Thanks for taking all my comments into consideration and all your hard work!! Continually looking forward to more ideas!
13 years ago
Entry #16.....Thanks for joining the competition!! Cool, interesting new design......I am wondering what can be about the color.... Any thoughts on adding some color rather than just black & white?
13 years ago
Entries #16, #17, #18: Using the "Monkees" band logo is a good jumping off point, but I want to be careful about not using anything to "identifiable......The logo needs to feel "handcrafted" to RockStarTherapy.

Entry #18: The lighting effect and colors are also a good idea, but we need to simplify them for optimum "readability". I am concerned when we need to print the logo with so much going on it will not always transfer well and look the same.
13 years ago
Looking again at Entries #6 and #2: I am liking the feel of the design with the star the more I look at it, but wondering if instead using a star, can you make it a guitar bending downward? Does that make sense???
13 years ago
After reviewing the latest entries......I think it is best for the logo to be on a "WHITE" background. Thanks!!
13 years ago
Thanks for the new versions using the "star" idea. Entry #21 is closest...... Can you have the guitar bend in a direction that resembles the "TRIUMPHANT" feel you get from the rising star??? Does that make sense. I really appreciate you taking all the comments and working with us!
13 years ago
Entry #21.....Perhaps using the fret of the guitar bending upwards like the star...So where the star is in the other designs, the fret of the guitar will be in this new design? Definitely the guitar upright rather than upside down.
13 years ago
I don't want "just" a guitar (or other symbol). I want it to feel "special" and "TRIUMPHANT", exciting, powerful, cool, hip, AWESOME!
13 years ago
Another concept may be to use the DaVinci Vituvian Man as a jumping off point.
See This concept will only work if it is obvious that the Vituvian Man was the source of inspiration. The new interpretation must be clothed and a singer, or guitar player, or both. The image must be strong, look classy and not a novelty. Thank you all for your efforts so far. We truly appreciate your time and work.
13 years ago
Entry #25 is terrific!!! Definitely on the right track...This logo comes closest to what we are looking for with the feel of triumph, cool, sleek, hip, readable & easily understood. Thank you!!!!!! Can you please show submissions darkening the color of the word, "Therapy"?

Welcome to the competition Rafa17. Your entry #26 is very cool. I like the concept of the triumphant guitarist on the record disk. Nice logo! More comments to come. I just want to sit with it for a little while. Can you send a few more submissions.
13 years ago
We are in the final stretch!! Lots of re-ranking. Looking forward to seeing more submissions using these concepts! Thank you so much, everyone for all your hard work and efforts!!
13 years ago
Really like the latest submissions! Thanks Mr_Do and visualbay for joining the competition! More descriptive comments to add...just sitting with these new concepts for a little while.
13 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Admin Note: Contest Extended. Client requested more time.
13 years ago
We would prefer to have graphics in proportion and then have the fonts flow in from there. The use of the star is not crucial. If you add any small details to your designs make sure they won't get lost when shrinking to the size of a business card logo. Also make sure any font that says RockStar is sufficiently unique that it can stand on it's own separate from the icon if needed. We are still open to the word RockStarTherapy as one word in a design that flows. Thank you all for your hard work.
13 years ago
Welcome to the competition, BusinessBuilders and sevi! We really appreciate your designs and creativity.
Entries #46 & 47 are cool. We like #47 better because the word "Star" is spelled guessing.
Entries #44 & 45 are creative, but look especially cool when enlarged because you can see the details. However, we do need a logo that when made small (on a business card) is still very legible, perhaps less detailed....

We are so encouraged and inspired by your new unique designs. Really appreciate your time and energy!

13 years ago
We have extended the contest. In order to get the most dynamic design we are now OPEN TO ADDITIONAL COLORS. In addition, we also welcome the use of microphones, mic stands, stage lights, amplifiers, and power cords (connected to guitars, mics, and amplifiers if that helps. We need the design to truly ROCK and feel handcrafted specifically for RockStarTherapy. Thank you for your efforts so far. Good luck.
13 years ago
Just have to say that we are so impressed with all these terrific designs! Thank you, designers, for sharing your creativity with us!
13 years ago
We are blown away by these AWESOME and CREATIVE designs!!
Thank you so much for reading ALL our detailed notes and doing so many revisions.
So many of you are on the right path.
13 years ago
It's the final stages of the competition and we appreciate some of the latest designs coming in (#167 by i3 and #160, #158, #180 by Mahmur).....Very creative and along the lines of what we like. We just wish we would have seen these sooner so we could have had more time to make a few tweaks and revisions.

We are so impressed with all the terrific, creative, thoughtful designs from everyone all over the world!!
Thank you!!
13 years ago
WOW!!! We also really like:
SNgraphics #123
krakatau #166, #163, #165
Cyclops #185 etc....
Ebonk #186
TNDS #192
ALL terrific designs and concepts!! Just wish we had seen your designs earlier in the competition so we could have worked together longer. Thanks you!!!
13 years ago
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