Hello Ketut I am so sorry I thought I had sent my comments earlier but I must not have hit the Post Comment button.
Your design is elegant and lovely. The floral design is very unique. The diamond and the color contrast in entry 24 is very striking.
But do you think my clients will know I am a wedding venue from this logo? Do you think there is a way to get wedding across without messing up your beautiful simple design?
I am guessing that it is the middle of the night where you are , so maybe get back to me in the morning. This has been my favorite but it needs some tweaking to say :"weddings" Thanks T
Good morning! You are still my top pick! Thanks! It is a good start and I know that we can tweak it more later if I do choose your design in the end but thought I should ask for some adjustments now. The J gets lost in the design, Not that that is all bad but could you lower the top of the J and somehow thicken the hook of the J so it has definition at the bottom just slightly? I do not want it really bold.
OR how about just make it smaller then it could be seen as well?
The pink diamond if beautiful! but my peers are concerned that it is too feminine to use in all the areas of my business. and I do have other events besides weddings. They also seem to think that the line to make it a ring looks like a jewlery store not wedding. I am struggling between the two colors. If I use this logo I will have to redo all of my material brochures etc. That maybe good but between a new web site and this I am running out of time. Bridal season is approaching very quickly and I do all of the ground maintenance on the 10 acres too as well as building repairs!! Sheesh! Need more business so I do not have to do everything myself.
This logo will be on labels for product in the gift shoppe, his and hers bathrobes, coffee packages gift baskets etc and needs to stand out. I guess if I want to put the simple TJ with the rocker under it like the cow brand then I have my masculine emblem for guys baseball hats and such.
Thank you in advance for the changes and any other thoughts you have!
So many thanks for your feedback, i make some fix base on your feedback, i make some design with gradient, glossy and 2 color so it will present in other media like, logo on site, logo on print(as you can see my black and white logo design) and about this changing i will fix it now :) Feel free for other needs
Help me!! Is it possible to incorporate both yours and #141 into one????? I feel like #141 is a design that no one will really say is mine. But this one does not say what I do!
I am headed to bed I guess I have a week to make a final decision. If you could I would still like to see just some very small adjustments on the J in the diamond of #77. Please lower the top just a very little to distinguish it for the T and then just pull up the bottom of the J or thicken it slightly so that it looks like a J and not just a line.
Could you also lower the text farther away for the diamond in #77 like in #24 ?
Could you give me another test of #77 with the text from #24?
Also please give me a test of #77 without the purple hue behind. Just leave it black?
Also the slogan is "Your Wedding Your Event Your Way" the at the rockin tj is not needed
Hi Ketut! Thank you so mush for your talent and all your hard work! I believe I am very close to a decision but just want to try a few more things. You realize that now I will have to redo all of my materials to match this logo. Yikes! I know, I probably need to do it anyway. Somehow one thing always leads to another!
SO Can you please help me with a few more changes? We are so close!
I like #160 best. Could you please: 1. Add the little swish under the "Your Way" like in entry #77 & #78 2. Make the gold more a gold foil color? 3 Add the pink to the bottom of the diamond under the TJ 4. Add another entry of #160 with these changes with the purple hue behind 5 Add another entry of #160 with these changes but change the pink to a deep wine color (may make it more masculine and feminine)
Do you think I should take the slogan off and use my name and the title "Montana Weddings and Special Event"? Is the slogan corny? Or use both?
Hi ketut! Very exciting! The deep red wine color #180 is not really red wine color, it is still fushia? Can you try the red color of entry #171. Could you try that color? Thanks! I 'm not sure if I will like it but not to hard to just try>:)
Ketut the feedback I have been getting is the the Tj is not bold enough to stand out against the floral design.Can they be bolder? I like the floral but could we try in that space like ........two interlocking rings sort of floral like or scrollish or ......??? Not sure. Ideas? Teresa
We have lost the gold in the text and the diamond, can you use the color in entry 77 and put that color back into entry 192 and 199? Then also make another entry of with these changes in the red for my file.
Then believe it or not, I think we are done!! Congratulations! Thank you for all you patience and work! Teresa
Ketut So sorry for the delay but my grandmother of 100 and 1/2 years old had a heart attack Friday and I have been gone to see her. What an amazing woman! So determined! Anyway she is still with us for a little longer. I am home to do business and then hope she is still here on Saturday to go back to see her.
I will post your winning today. Hope that has not been an inconvenience.
I forgot to ask if we could put a small rocker (semi circle) under the TJ in the text or maybe it could be more V shaped to match the diamond If you could play with this I would appreciate it. And it can overlap the line under the text too.
Hi Ketut Hey I thought I would be able to have more of a file than just the final version. Is it possible to get a file for # 24 and # 205. Plus can I have a file with layers so i can change things if I want to ?