These are good, with the rough and beat up look. We really aren't interested in having our whole name in the logo, we are trying to stick to just Rock Solid with an SR logo. Also, the kickin' ash isn't always necessary in all the logos as well. Thanks.
Hi Thanks for feedback. Do you know that during Top5 mode only ranked from 1 to 5 designers can submit new logos. You can re-rank designers anytime you want.
I have put entry number 20 as number two because I like the look of it but I was hoping you would stay with the warn out rugged look from your previous submissions. So now if we could combine the "RS" logo with a rugged, warn out feel we could have a good looking logo.
Can you reverse the colors on this logo (black backround with yellow writing)?
Can you figure out a way to add "Only Safety Exceeds Our Service" to this logo? We are thinking about using this logo and tag line for hard hat stickers and t-shirt sleeves.