Just a follow up. #23, 18, 19, 21 could end up working well for me with changes. I like that my name is bigger than studio name. Probably need upper for my name though. These fish images will not work but if logotype is terrific then I don't need the fish image. Alternatively. a fish illustration could be used on its own as a watermark or behind logotype (?) If you do want to play with the graphic i'm looking for a strong, simple, clean, iconic, funky shark / fish. Thanks again for these.
Hi, thank you for your feedback. I've gone back to the drawing board to come up with some new fish designs based on the info you gave. I'd love your feedback! Thanks!
Thanks very much Lindsey. There are so many options on the table I'm having a tough time trying to direct your efforts! Not a bad thing. I really like the type on #132 and #140 (remember to use "photographer" rather than "photography") I'm struggling to provide feedback on the fish illustration though. The series of circles in #132 is a brilliant approach to tie both together AND soften the shark / fish. It needs to be a more playful, cool, almost cartoonish. I WILL find some visual references for you. Maybe a forced perspective 3/4 front view revision of my current logo fish?
#134 is interesting not because of the fish (won't work) but the approach to studio name behind it. ** 130 or 133 type approach would allow us to use the "fish" as a distinct and separate "button" or logo, stamp. watermark and is honestly the safest approach I could take - use the logo when and where it works but no requirement to use it everywhere. ** This colleague does that: zavesmith.com/
If this helps, my primary work is advertising photography but i'm expanding into higher end portrait work with the public and fine art sales too. Trying to find something that will work for all. Sorry for long post.