Thank you very much for you excellent submission. Your second design must have arrived after the contest closed yesterday. I'm sorry I missed it. I see you have just begun submitting designs on the Logo Tournament site. I am certain you will be very successful. Good luck with your future contests!
Mysteriously, your final three submissions did not appear until just now. They are really beautiful and classic. Without the winning design by heru, these would definitely have been at the top of my list.
Thank you Kitty! I really appreciate hearing this. I'm also on Vancouver Island, so we are probably neighbors.
My designs were delayed in getting to you because I am brand new to this site and my submissions must be approved by an administrator of this site before you can view them. Sometimes this doesn't happen until the contest is over.
Isn't this site the best thing since like sliced bread or something? :)
Congratulations on your logo and please tell everyone you know needing a logo about this site!