Thanks RKD. When I was photographers assist. in the 80's, we used polaroids for different formats of camera to check the lighting, before taking the final shot with film. Brings back memories. Enough of me, thanks for the ranking. If you wish to try other colours, fonts, layouts, etc. let me know. Kind regards, Muz :-)
Thanks RKD, most kind of you to say so. I was just thinking that the 3 Polaroid graphics could represent the 3 parts of your slogan/tagline: -'PEOPLE' - portrait shot. -'PLACES' - landscape shot. -'THINGS' - abstract shapes shot, conveying diversity.
Thanks RKD's wife. Here is the white background version #118.
At the end of the contest, the winning designer would supply the winning design, plus various versions (ie. diff background, mono, reverse, etc) to suit the Contest Holder's requests. So yes, it will be fine. :-)