RE: Entry 95: We like your designs 1- Please add small checkmark above "i" in RiskMap 2- Please add watermark-like currency symbols in graphic, for example - in the 3 bars (one in each bar) and in background to left of 1st bar, for $, ¥ £ € and you experiment with other placements of currency symbols ...
Please: 1 - Move $ to just left of 1st left-most bar (so it will be in blue field just below image of North America); replace $ in 1st bar with € 2 - Vary check mark -- show more of the "i" with checkmark above it 3- for trend-line over bars, shorten 1st (lower left) segment and correspondingly lengthen 3rd segment (upper right) Thank you.
$ should be just to left of smallest bar (in blue below Yucatan, above beginning of green trend line) -- near the 1st vertical bar - midway vertically between the white of the continent and the green trend line --
Thank you BL. I think we are almost done! I really like entry #111, except I want the arrow to look like the one on #110.
Please make three more versions: 1) Make arrow exactly the same size as on #111, 2) Make arrow the same as #111 but make the section with the arrow taller - the same height as the "R" in RiskMap, and 3) Make the section with the arrow taller than the "R" in RiskMap.
I hope my directions are clear. We are hoping that we will then award you the winner!
After that, we might be interested in having you help us do a banner ad for our new website.
Thank you again, BL. My partner needs to see these - he is still asleep!
If you could make one more version. Take #113 and make the arrow a little narrower, where it is over the world. I think that will be the winner but my partner must agree, too.
Also, please move the almost horizontal part of the arrow (the middle part), lower down, so that the upper part is taller, and the lower part is shorter. (I hope you understand what I mean.)
One last thing (I think). Could you make a modification to the arrow, making the middle section (the almost horizontal section) somewhat lower down, so that the arrow looks a little more like a check mark?
Hello Larry, I'm sorry for my bad english. I lil bit confused about modification the arrow. Do you mean the arrow on the right of poundsterling symbol? and make the arrow looks like a check mark.
I'm sorry about my explanation. #122 is close to what I was looking for. Perhaps you can take #122 and 1) make it a little thinner on the lowest section and 2) where the lowest section and the middle section are, move that point (intersection - where they meet), just a little lower.
Will you be able to make one of the files a PNG with a transparent background?
The thing I guess you did not understand was to make the middle part of the arrow more horizontal by lowering the left side of it. In other words, move it down lower from the "e" Euro symbol.
Could you email me the arrow to and I will try to modify it myself?
Because it's .png file. and the back ground of LT is black. I'm so sorry for wrong interpretation, i will fix it. Sure i will sent to your email in .ai files (the arrow)