Rising Moon FilmsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Rising Moon Films

Rising Moon Films has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 285 designs from 55 different designers from around the world.


















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Thanks for your entry! I really like the logo concept (perhaps a tad smaller though?), but I'm not too particular on that font. Can you change up the font a bit? Maybe not make it so spaced-apart too?
13 years ago
And maybe if possible to somehow redo it a little so that "rising moon" is on ONE line and "films" is on one line... I don't think I like each word on its own separate line as much..
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the ranking & feedback. Here is the first revision...

(This comment references Entry #53)
13 years ago
Thanks!! I really like entry #67 but I think the 'rising moon' font is a little too computer-y or tech-y... maybe a different font? I like that the words "rising moon" are spaced closer together than in the first example (#48) because in #48, i didn't like how "rising" and "moon" had so much space between the letters, I think I like the letters closer together how you have it in #67, but just a different kind of font...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I will be back at my design computer around 5pm and I will be happy to work on some different fonts at that time.
Thank you,
13 years ago
Could design one that had a white background (like #53) but maybe switch the browns and the greens so I could see what that looks like? So the square is green and the text is brown. A Font I really like is #93
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure thing, I will make that change as soon as I get back to my design computer tonight. (5pm CDT)
13 years ago
Thanks I really appreciate it! Also, maybe try to separate the text of "rising moon" in the horizontal design #122 so the "rising" is all in the white and the "moon" is all in the green. Thanks again!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Will Do!
13 years ago
I think if you move the text a little further apart in #136 so it doesn't touch the brown of the circle I would like it a little better. Also, I was leaning toward "moon" being a little thinner than "rising". Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem, here is the latest revision.
Thanks for the feedback

(This comment references Entry #149)
13 years ago
#149 looks great! Is there any way to see it in a white background like #135? Thanks!
13 years ago
I like #167 with the white background, but I think I prefer it without the curved bottom (so it's more like #149) Thanks!
13 years ago
Can you possibly update the font in #149 and #166 to the same font you used in #135? I like the font in #135 slightly better, but I think I may be leaning more towards logos 149 & 166 overall. Thank you!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, I will make that change when I get back to my design computer tonight.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are the latest revisions...

(This comment references Entry #209)
13 years ago
I don't know if you'll have time before the contest ends, or if this could be something you give us if we decide on your logo, but would you be able to do #167 without the curved bottom? Maybe one with the text inside like #166 and one with the text all on the bottom like #212? Also, if we decide on your logo, would we be able to get both the vertical and the horizontal? It's hard for us to decide cause we like them both!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, I think I misunderstoond, here is the revision...

(This comment references Entry #230)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are a couple more based on your latest feedback. I am going to be away from my design computer for
a few hours, hopefully I will be back before the contest ends.
I have no problem with providing alternate files as needed after the contest ends.

(This comment references Entry #231)
13 years ago
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